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All we ever hear is lies.
Lured into thinking that there's a chance,
That we can break free from this trance.
Crippling lows and hidden highs.
Quite the clever little disguise.

We think that we all break the mould.
We think we know, we don't know a thing.
We're all just puppets, on a string.
We all just buy the lies they've sold.
All that glitters is not gold.

Acting like we know it all.
We go to work, we pay the rent.
And all the time, we don't relent.
They are big and you are small.
Well, pride comes before a fall.

Years go by, and nobody cares.
Earn some money, make your mark.
A fish being circled by a shark.
All that matters is corporate shares.
Us down here, and them upstairs.

We don't eat food, we eat the past.
What's dead is gone, and ours to eat.
Slit their throat and take their meat.
But don't worry, because we're having a blast.
How long will all this bullshit last?

All we ever need is lies.
All just part of one big game.
When it all ends in fire, who's to blame?
Not them, but us, so open your eyes.
We've lived our lives, and now we're wise.
Don't get hit with a big surprise,
We're only moving to our own demise.
Stop this shit and claim your prize,
Before another person cries.

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