Chapter Two: Strawberry Milkshakes

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"SO, THESE ARE CIRCUITS," Kat said, holding up a few pieces of material she'd nicked from the high school lab. She connected them with some wire, attaching a thumb-sized mini lightbulb at the end.

"So the electricity goes through them and the wire and gets to the lightbulb?" Lucas asked.

"Pretty much, yeah," Kat said, handing him the mess, which he delicately balanced over two palms. "Hold this, and slowly, slowly move the end of the wire clip to let it touch the battery,"

"Okay..." Lucas said, concentrating as he slowly moved towards the battery she held, careful to not let the mass drop onto the carpet below.

And just like that, when the end of the clip touched one end of the battery, the lightbulb ignited a small but unwavering light.

"Cool, yeah?" Kat smiled at Lucas, who was looking between the battery and lightbulb, confused but grinning. 

"Stellar," he agreed, rapidly touching the battery and then letting go. 

"Let's do two batteries now," Kat said. She grabbed another one. "Here, this time I can hold the mess, you touch the batteries,"

Lucas did so, and this time the little golden light filled all of the bulb.

"You got it!" Kat said encouragingly, and Lucas beamed. "'Kay, you passed Level One. Next step,"

"What's next, three batteries?" He laughed, but his smile dropped when Kat took two wires, a circuit, and a roll of electrical tape from his drawer. "Where're you going?"

"Outside. C'mon, Level Two,"

Lucas scrunched his face, before stepping over some stray papers and heading out of the room. 

"I see the living room is finally clear, you nerds finally done experimenting?" Erica said, popping out of thin air.

"Erica," Lucas hissed irritably. He hated when she'd interrupt his tutor sessions with Kat.

"Nope. We're just taking this next one outside; more space for a bigger experiment and better results, you know? Wanna join?" Kat replied instead, her voice calm and friendly.

"No thanks," Erica said sarcastically, raising a brow at the pile Kat was balancing and going back up the stairs.

"Ignore her," Lucas said.

"Don't worry, I've got experience with younger siblings," Kat said, and they bumped shoulders as they headed towards the Sinclairs' driveway.

"Are we leaving home?" Lucas frowned as he noticed they were heading to Kat's car. 

"Nope. I'd rather not get in trouble with your mom for taking you for milkshakes when we're supposed to be doing physics," Kat said as she opened the driver's door. "She's scary when she's mad,"

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