chapter six

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Eventually, it was time for me to say goodbye. My backpack stood next to my shoes in the hallway. I had already packed everything this morning, so I just got it from my room some minutes ago, and I was ready to leave. I kind of couldn't believe that it was already over. Even though it felt longer than only a weekend, it was way too short. I did so much and had so much fun with Lewis, and yet it seemed to me as if I arrived only some hours ago.                                             I didn't want to leave. I felt so welcome here, and it was just nice to live with Lewis and to kiss him whenever I felt like it. And to go on a date with him. And to sleep in the same bed so we were able to hug each other while sleeping. And to get to know his parents. I just loved everything of this weekend so far. I knew this would change in some time, when I had to leave Scotland behind me. Without Lewis. I tried to push this thought as far away as possible, even though it actually wasn't possible. I mean, I was already putting my shoes on. I really wanted to run upstairs and cuddle up in Lewis bed. With him, preferably. And then take him into my arms and never let go.

"Mum? Dad? I'm gonna bring her to the airport now.", I heard him telling his parents in the living room. They stand up from the sofa they were sitting on and came over to me.

"April, next time you definitely have to stay a bit longer!", Carol said and hugged me.

"I will for sure.", I told her. "Thank you for letting me stay here with you, I'm really happy I could come over for the weekend."

"No problem! You're always welcome! You know, I'm just so happy for you both. I'm so sad you're already leaving. It was great to get to know you a bit."

Lewis chuckled behind me while putting his shoes on.

I shaked hands with Lewis father and we said goodbye too. I haven't really seen him the last two days, but he seemed pretty nice.

"Goodbye!", I said one last time when I was already half out the door.

"Stay safe, April! Have a good flight!", Carol called after me.

"Thank you!", I yelled back.

Then, Lewis drove the car out of the garage, and we got in.

"Lewis! You said you wanted me to remind you to check your schedule today! I completely forgot about that!", I told him.

"Don't worry, I checked my schedule. I'll come over in about two weeks if that's okay, yeah? I'll call your parents tomorrow."

"Really? Thank you so much! I'm sure they'll allow it. Thank you, Lewis."

"You're welcome.", he replied and started the car.

Lewis mum was waving at me from the door, and I wove back until we were around the corner and the house was out of sight.


It was completely silent in the car. I wasn't in the mood to listen to music, and I guess Lewis wasn't, either. It was obvious that he was sad, but I didn't know what I should say to make him feel better. I mean, I was just as sad as him. I didn't want to leave. It felt so good to escape my everyday life for a bit, not to think of school and stuff like that for a weekend. And now, it was nearly over. I was on my way home. I really, really wanted to stay there, with Lewis, and just spend more time with him. It sucks that we live so far away. Scarlets boyfriend lives only a few houses away from her and they see each other every day, sometimes they just stay at the others' place for a week or so. I wish I had this possibility. But I don't want to complain, it's just... I already miss him. He's sitting next to me, and still I miss him. And now, with having him kissed, it feels even worse than all the times before to have to leave him.

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