The Neverending Date

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You woke up the next morning with the sweet smell of the pancakes. You thought "who would cook pancakes in my hotel room". You didn't want to open your eyes, you were too comfortable then suddenly you thought of Jimin and sat up. You looked at the blanket you were in and it wasn't yours. You looked around and it wasn't your hotel room. Panic struck you. "Where the hell am I?" You screamed in your head and quickly got up on your feet. You were still wearing your work attire and you searched for your shoes. You wore them and was about to sneak out of the room when you saw Jimin sleeping on the couch next to the window near the bed.
His head resting on the armrest in an uncomfortable way and his arms crossed. You sighed looking at him and you grabbed the blanket you were sleeping in and covered Jimin. You were tucking in the blanket when he opened his eyes. He didn't say anything just stared at you.
When your eyes met, he smiled and said "Good morning, did you sleep well?"
You nodded "Good morning" and smiled. "Yes. Thank you and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience."
He sat up and looked straight in your eyes, his face too close to yours. "I wanted to kiss you yesterday that's how a date should end, don't you think? But then I think I never wanted to end our date." He said quietly.
"So it was a date." You confirmed yourself in your head.
The distance between you two was getting shorter. Your heart was racing but before his lips could reach yours the door flung open. You both looked at the door at once.
"Breakfast Time!" exclaimed Jin. "Oh! I wasn't aware you had company." Looking at you smiling.
"Yeah! Sorry to intrude. I'll get going" you said walking across the room.
"Hey, you can't leave like that. You need to taste my homemade pancakes first. I am not a chef but I do like to cook." Said Jin blocking your way.
"I don't want to be an inconvenience"
"You are not trust me" Jin smiled "You! Sleepyhead come down for breakfast and who took the Soju out?! Well! We'll discussed about this with others as well, come on!" He shouted at Jimin and left.
"I'm sorry about that. He is the eldest but he has very short temper." He said embarrassed.
You chuckled "it's nice."
"Let's have breakfast then I'll drop you to your place." He got up leading you to the hall. You nodded and followed him.
When you entered the hall you could see 4 guys sitting around the dining table waiting for their breakfast. Namjoon was busy reading you could tell as his head was buried in his phone, Hobi and Taehyung were busy talking about something he was showing on his phone as they laughed occasionally. Yoongi on the other hand had his eyes shut, his arms crossed and his laid his head back. Jin was busy putting the pancakes on the plate while Jungkook was helping him serve it to the others.
Jin smiled at you and gestured you to sit while you tried your best to make yourself as small as possible behind Jimin.
When Jungkook saw you he came towards you smiling. "It's so good to see you Noona"
Jimin took his place around the table and Jungkook held your hand dragging you to the table. He placed you next to Jimin.
"You'll love Jin hyung's pancakes, they are the best in the world" he exclaimed sitting on the other side of you.
Jungkook was acting like he had known you for ages while you just met once but you liked the warmth in his smile. When you looked around everyone was staring at you. It was like everyone was suddenly aware about the foreign entity. You were feeling awkward so looked at Jimin for support. His face was calm with a tint of amusement. You looked back at the others on the table while Jin sat next to Namjoon.
"You must be Y/N" said Namjoon "Jiminie was telling us about you on the plane. We were waiting to meet you."
"Jiminie is right. You are cute." Hobi said in his excited voice.
"I like her" Taehyung said looking more at Jimin than at you.
You couldn't respond to any of it as you were not aware how to. It was getting more and more uncomfortable when Jin calmly asked to start with the meal.
Yoongi just looked at you ones and smiled then he was busy eating his food.
You too was about to start when your plate was exchanged by Jimin. Now your plate had pancakes evenly cut so that all you got to do is eat them easily with your fork.
You looked at Jimin and he smiled taking your plate and adding honey. He told you to eat up quietly and your heart was melting for him.
"How can he be this sweet?" You thought.
"So, Y/N what brought you here?" Jin asked having his breakfast.
"Well! I had this book coming up so had to be with the editors" you spoke little embarrassed.
"So you are a writer?!" Said yoongi suddenly interested.
"No, no... I just write blogs and articles and I am not professional." You said defending yourself.
"Oh Noona its not bad." Said Jungkook cheerfully.
"We'll get back to you on this soon, we were thinking about something" said Jin finishing up his food "but before that tell me who took out Soju yesterday?"
Everyone hurriedly ate their breakfast. Hobi and Taehyung cleaned the table and started washing the dishes ignoring Jin's question.
"So that means nobody did that. Fine, I'll make sure nobody gets to touch anything without my permission."
"I took it, it was for our date." Jimin spoke quietly knowing it was a warning from Jin.
"He used it twice "date". Are we dating? When did this happen?" You thought.
"It's totally fine but just let me know about it okay?" Jin spoke confirming he made himself clear.
"Yes. Okay." Jimin said while getting up. "I'll be back, I need to drop her".
"See you soon" said all at one while Jungkook and Hobi waved at you smiling. You smiled, thanked them for the hospitality and waved them goodbye.
Jimin and you were quite till you reached your hotel.
"Thank you for everything." You said breaking the silence.
You took off your seatbelt to get out when Jimin held your hand. You looked at him. He tuck your hair behind your ear with other hand.
"I don't want to stop seeing you"he looked straight in your eyes. You could feel a tingling sensation running down your body.

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