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Jimin and you stroll around the park trying when you thought of starting the conversation with a joke. You looked at him and said "So, you dropped your cousin safely?"
There was a long pause, you wondered if it was good or bad to joke like that but then Jimin started giggling. You felt happy and relieved that he got the joke.
"We had to say something. Good that the picture wasn't clear" He explained.
"I understand, but we can't meet like this. I have work and you got your work and people will know eventually." You stopped for Jimin to respond.
"So what are you suggesting? Cause I don't want to be away from you" Jimin said it bluntly.
" Jimin, we both got careers to find. My book just hit the shelves and I am also writing this other book-"
"Do you want any help with promotions? We can help."
"Jimin that's not what I am saying." You paused you need to make a choice right now. You want to tell him he is everything and you love him but that would not help either of you. Jimin's dreams has just started and your dreams are just kick starting. No matter how perfect it seems but you need to leave. "Jimin I know it will hurt a lot and we'll be miserable, both of us but I think we should not mess with our dreams."
Jimin hugged you and you hugged him back. You held him tight like he did. There were tears in your eyes and Jimin whispered in your ears in his muffled voice "I don't know how and when but I like you."
A month was enough for two people to fall in love. A week was enough to feel the pain of separation. A week was enough to fall for someone who was a complete stranger.
"I like you too" you wanted to say love but thought against it.
You both were not ready to let go of each other still hugging you want be in the very moment forever.
Jimin's grip getting tighter with every passing time. He squished you a little more before letting you go. You both were still holding hands.
"Let's walk." You said in a small voice.
"I'll keep in touch with you." He said sadly.
"You are going on a world tour I heard. Will you get time?"
"I want to tell you to join me but I can't be selfish."
"We will be meeting soon but I'm going back in 2 days and I'll return in a week but I know till then you'll leave for your tour."
"I don't want to let you go. I really don't."
"I know Jimin but we have to. Let me say goodbye to the others as well"
Jimin didn't say anything. He just held your hand and you walked in the building with him.
You saw the others waiting for you two to join. They all smiled but when they looked at Jimin's face the smile wore off.
"What happened?" Said Namjoon rushing towards Jimin.
"Nothing hyung, we are fine. We'll see each other soon" said Jimin in confidence which confused others as his face was sad.
You smiled and hugged Namjoon which took him by surprise but then he hugged back.
"We have decided to give it a break for our careers. We can't keep risking things for each other." You said by going next to Jin for a hug. He hugged you too.
"Nothing serious happened for you guys to decide something like that. It was just a picture" said Suga while you reached him for a hug.
"I know but if it continues then grave things can happen." You said hugging him.
"Now whom will I wait for every morning to sneak out?" Said Tae when you approached him for a hug.
"I knew it that you were lurking on purpose" you exclaimed while he hugged you tight.
You could see tears in the eyes of the young one "Hey Jungkookie, we'll meet soon." You hugged him and he hugged you.
"I have seen Jiminie Hyung being extremely happy and extremely sad and all because of you. He wants you Noona." He said hugging back.
"I know Jungkookie. I want him too but it's for a better." You then turned to Jimin holding his hand.
"Where is Hobi?" You asked.
"Hobi hyung doesn't like goodbyes." Tae said.
"I'll get him" said Namjoon and went in.
Hobi arrived with a puffy face it seemed like he had been crying. As soon as he saw you he came over to hug you and you hugged him back.
"Take care of yourself and others. Specially take care of my Jiminie okay?" You whispered in his ears.
He nodded while letting you go.
"Let's go Jimin" you turned to him and he took you to your hotel. All the time you held each other's hand but didn't say a word. He pulled off at the drive way and finally asked "when is your flight?"
You replied "In two days. At 4:30 PM"
He nodded "Have a safe flight and promise me that you will meet me again once we find our careers, once all this is done?"
You smiled "only if you reach the top and even in the remotest areas people should know your name?"
He smiled "I promise but you need to promise to never to stop writing and keep publishing even when you think it's not worth it?"
"I'll try. I'll try to match up to you."
He caressed your face and said "we already are a perfect match."
You smiled and he kissed you. The kiss had longing in it, the passion you could feel to the core but you need to break it off before you make your mind to stay. Jimin is right after the tour maybe, after few years we will meet again and maybe that time things will be different. Maybe till then we need to wait.
"Bye Jiminie" you said getting off his car.
"See you soon Y/N" Jimin smiled in determination.
You nodded and said waved at him.
You were all packed with everything and went to the airport. You about to get in the airport when you got a call.
"So today you are leaving."
"Yes, I told you about it."
"Turn around."
You turned around to see a guy in a cap and a mask walking towards you.
"I will miss you." He said and revealed his face by letting down his mask. Before you could react he kissed you and said "I'll wait." He walked away.
"Was that Jimin?" Your friend asked shocked at the way he treated you.
"I'll tell you everything." You told your friend and hurried in. You took your seat and was about to turn off your phone, you saw a text from Jiminie. It said " and I love you" you smiled to yourself and replied "I love you too."
You turned off the phone and your friend started telling your friend about what happened. She couldn't believe it. She would not have believe any of it if she hadn't had seen Jimin.
You smiled to yourself and told yourself that you will achieve your dream and you will reach out to Jimin after he reaches his dream till then he and you will be working towards it in the hope of meeting again.
If we couldn't reach each other then? Then maybe we'll forget it like a strange dream...

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