Chapter Fourteen

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Eleanor woke up the next morning tired but resolved. Her mother intended for the family to return home the next day. Eleanor knew she could not allow it. And she thought she had an idea of how to do it.

She skipped breakfast, instead taking coffee in her room and quickly penning two letters. Downstairs, she found Williams and handed the letters to him with the instruction to have them delivered as quickly as possible. Then she retired to the library to rest. She was not disturbed. Her mother was likely overseeing the packing to leave the next day and Eleanor doubted Robert had left Rose's side for the last day. She had spoken with her mother briefly that morning and learned, much to her relief, that Rose was recovering nicely. She had eaten heartily the night before and would soon be back on her feet. Robert, however, was still not inclined to speak with Eleanor. So Eleanor was left alone until the clock struck one and then there was a knock on the library door. Williams entered and looked at her with what she was sure was disapproval.

"A Mister Taric for you, Miss."

"Please send him in, Williams," Eleanor said. She stood and placed the book she had been reading on the table beside her. Williams let Taric into the room and disappeared, quietly closing the door behind him. Taric was dress just as finely as ever, nothing about his appearance possibly giving away the fact that he secretly hunted vampires by night. Eleanor smoothed her pale blue dress and adjusted the scarf around her next. The wounds in her neck were healing but would still be visible for days to come. She had thought this was a good idea but now that Taric was standing here before her, she wasn't too sure.

"Pardon the question, Miss Hastings, but have you lost your mind?" he asked.

"I take it you received my letter."

"Received it? I spent half the morning rereading it, to make sure I had not suddenly been struck mad and was imagining the entire thing."

"Would you care to sit down?" Eleanor asked.

Taric look around the room as if recognizing it had furniture for the first time. He took a seat on a chair next to chaise that Eleanor was seated on. He ran a hand through his hair and Eleanor realized he did look rather frazzled. His eyes darted around the room, taking it in, before settling back on Eleanor.

"You cannot be serious?"

"I'm offended, Mister Taric, that you think I would joke about such a sensitive topic."

"Oh, please drop the act, Eleanor." He held up a hand, although he looked like he was trying to collect himself rather than silence her. "I believe we have spent enough time together this summer to come to know each other rather well. And while I have enjoyed your company, I do not for a second believe that your wishes tend toward matrimony."

"So you do not wish to marry me?" Eleanor asked sedately. Her heart was racing.

"Marry you? Two nights ago you almost died. How can you be thinking about marriage?"

Eleanor laughed, her voice sounding high pitched even to herself.

"Mister Taric. We share a common goal, to rid the city of vampires. There are only five of us who are able to do that, four since Mister Franklin has gone for the week. I really think that we would have a better chance of succeeding if I was here and not back in Staffordshire. Now, my mother plans to take us home tomorrow. Currently I have no way to telling her no. If I were to have some reason to stay in town, say an engagement, then I am sure she would be more likely to allow me to stay. Especially if I had a patroness who would vouch for my reputation while in town and give me a place to stay."

"And have you found such a patroness?" Taric asked. Eleanor had to say, he still seemed rather stunned by the entire proposition. Eleanor herself was shocked that she had the courage to propose such a, well, proposal. But time was pressing and unless Eleanor had a legitimate reason to stay in town, then she would have to pack up and go home tomorrow. An engagement was the perfect reason to stay in town. Her mother would be forced to allow her to remain, if only to better acquaint herself with her fiancé and to prepare for the wedding.

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