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monty didn't get home until late that night and he missed basically everything. tim came back later and when he walked in sebb handed him a completely washed letterman jacket.

"what...what's this?", tim's voice trembled in shock.

"your jacket. it seemed dirty so i washed it."

tim stared at the jacket in shock as his hands shook.

"sebb, that was my mother's jacket! i can't believe you!"

"what? i'm so sorry."

"sorry won't bring back her fucking jacket! to say, i liked you!"

"tim, i really am sorry. if i could bring it back, i would!"

"i wish i that i could have the slightest idea what my idiot father sees in you."

and with that, he shoved sebb and stormed upstairs. tim didn't share a room with jack but still swong his bedroom door open. tim saw finn on the bed and merely shrugged it off.

"what happened this time?"

"got too high. can't go home."

"okay, so you and i both know that's not true. what really happened?"

"well...his parents were hitting him again and i couldn't let him go back there."

"you're too nice, little brother.", tim laughed, "hide him, dad should be home any second."

jack put his bed's covers over his friend. it was kind of obvious so, they both just left the room.

"still crushing?"

"yeah. it just sucks because, sure, he kisses other guys and girls but he also kissed me that one time."

"i don't know what to tell you. i'm still in the friend zone."

"with kie?"


"well, i think she likes you."

"maybe. maybe, man."

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