"It has been a month since I found the mirror, yet we haven't done anything!" I said while pacing the room.
"Be patient. They know what they are doing," Alexandria replied from her spot on the floor where she was staring at the door or the window -which indicated that it was nighttime.
"Do they? Alex, I'm telling you- There is something fishy going on."
"Benjamin Nicholas Carter," the irritated Alexandria said. "We have been here for a year. A year full of suffering and pain and loss. We need them," She took a deep breath. "I need them. I don't think I can survive anymore. We need to leave and they are the only peo- things that can help us. So you shut up and go with it. And not because I'm telling you to but because I'm asking you to."
That shut me up. I walked to the other corner of the prison of ours, trying my best to distance myself from her. At that moment, I decided to do what Alexandria asked of me; I would keep my mouth shut. Not because I trusted them but because I didn't want them to take advantage of Alexandria and if they did, I would be there to protect her.
I laid down on the cold floor and allowed the temporary but dark peace to take over me.
When I woke up, I was surprised to find that it was still nighttime. A snore then a whimper came from the sleeping Alexandria. She was probably having a nightmare - a regular occurrence we learned to tolerate.
Slowly, I moved to the loose floorboard that housed our scrap food and the mirror. I unwrapped it and I was greeted by reflection Benjamin. Reflection Alexandria wasn't in sight.
"Where is Alex?" I asked.
He merely raised his shoulders and dropped them -indicating that he didn't know.
"How can I be sure that I can trust you?" I whispered so that I don't wake Alexandria up.
"You can't," he replied as if it was obvious. "You can't trust us. But neither can we trust you. We have had people take advantage of us for years, yet we still help. If you don't want our help, just say so. But I doubt Alexandria would appreciate that."
I stared at him. Now, I was conflicted. He had a point but I couldn't shake the feeling that they couldn't be trusted. Maybe I was wrong? Maybe I was overreacting? I decided to push this feelings aside and allow a feeling I've been starving myself for a year: Hope.
Try To See The Looking Glass
Cerita Pendek"Not wanting to argue anymore, I said something I probably shouldn't have said: 'I dreamt of our old life...' " Benjamin and Alexandria were ordinary teenagers until the day their parents passed away. With no relatives left, they were adopted by an...