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*Time skip to two weeks later because I'm lazy*

Yanyan's POV:

Today was the day I was getting discharged and I was feeling so much better than I was when I entered the hospital.

Well obviously I felt better because I was in a bad condition when I entered the hospital and now I had healed.

Joseph was coming to pick me up from the hospital at 2 pm to go back home and it was 11 am right now.

"Why can't 2 pm just come quicker" I said to myself and face palmed.

*Time skip to 2 pm*

I walked out of the hospital with Joseph holding my hand.

I smiled slightly as we walked to his truck. He opened the door for me and I got in.

He got in the truck and started the drive home.

It turns out that Joseph has moved in with me. Amber and Carla are moving in as well because they don't have a place to stay and they are my friends so I couldn't let them live on the streets now could I.

*Time skip to when they are walking into the apartment*

"I'm back" I said as I walked into the apartment.

"Yanyan" Mariko said and ran towards me. I opened my arms for her and picked her up.

Joseph walked in behind and I turned giving him a quick peck on the lips before I walked down the hallway.

Joseph blushes and paused before he started following me.

Jamaica met me halfway down the hall and told me to follow her. So I did and she brought me to the kitchen.

There was a little cake celebrating my discharge. My mom and aunt were already in the kitchen cooking something else but I couldn't see what they were cooking.

Jamaica took Mariko out of my arms and sat at the table with her. I smiled brightly.

Joseph sat down and I sat down next to him. Amber and Carla came into the room and smiled when they saw me.

"Hi Yanyan" Carla said and sat across from me with Amber.

Mariko rested her head on my arm and sighed happily. Everyone was very happy that I was back home.

My mom turned around and smiled brightly before she put some food on the table.

"Glad to see you back here Yanyan" she said and sat down. My aunt put some more food on the table and sat down.

"Okay let's eat" my aunt said and started to cut the cake. I was given the first and biggest piece.

"Thank you" I said and dug into the cake.

Joseph smiled at my appetite. "Hospital food must have been horrible huh Yan" he said and chucked.

I nodded and continued eating making everyone at the table laughed. I looked up in confusion making everyone laugh harder.

I shrugged it off and continued to eat until I was full. I stood up from the table and walked to my room.

I plopped onto my bed sighing happily. My bed never felt softer then now. When I was sleeping in the hospital I could feel the bars of the bed stabbing into my skin.

I made myself comfortable in my bed and pulled out my phone. Joseph soon walked into my room and smiled.

"Hi Seph" I said and he chuckled at how I was laying.

He came and laid next to me. I moved so I could place my head on his shoulder.

Amber and Carla entered the room. "Oh my god you guys are so cute together" Carla said and smiled brightly. I wasn't sure if they had know we were dating or not before they said that.

"So I'm guessing everyone in this house knows we are a thing right" I said and Amber nodded.

They stayed in my room for a couple hours and talked before I started getting tired.

"Hey Carla can you turn the lights off before you go" Joseph said looking at Carla before he turned his attention back to me.

"Yeah sure Seph" Carla said and turned the lights off.

We all had nicknames for each other mine was Yan, Joseph's was Seph, Amber's was Ber, and Carla's was Car. I know weird right.

Joseph kissed my forehead softly before I fell peacefully asleep.

A/n sorry it's a short chapter but at least it's something right 😅 I'm sorry I'll try to update this more but writers block is a bitch 😂💀 okay bye for now people

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