"Why are you here with my brother anyway? He has told me about you but I never thought he would bring you home." Malika pondered aloud as her full lips pursed into a cute frown. "Wait let me guess... have you fallen in love and are running away together?" She asked excitedly as she bounced on her wooden seat, which creaked ominously.
"Oh no my dear... We are just friends. There is some... trouble, at the palace, and we had to get away quick." Rose explained as a fiery blush swarmed onto her cheeks.
"Oh I see... well I hope everything is ok, although the reasoning is a bit disappointing. I would love to live in a castle... Is it as magnificent as it sounds? It must be four hundred times bigger then my house!"
"Well, it is beautiful, but not very homely I guess. It is more like a museum with priceless artefacts and ancient tapestries. Your home is lovely, very cosy and warm." Rose smiled as she looked around, admiring the art of children hung lovingly on the walls and the plump cushions with slightly odd stitching suggesting they were homemade.
"Still I would love to be a Princess and live in a castle... It is every girls dream! If you are a Princess you are automatically beautiful and spoilt - it is unfair." Malika pouted.
"Do not be silly Malika, you are beautiful! And between me and you, not all Princesses have been blessed with looks." Rose revealed causing Malika to giggle.
"Well you certainly have! You should hear the way my brother goes on about you... Beautiful Rose this... Zahra Rose that..." Malika spilt the words with a sly smile.
"Does he really?" Rose asked breathlessly with warmth swirling into her heart.
"Yep!" Malika nodded earnestly, popping the 'P'.
"What does zhara actually mean? I don't speak Aubriemian very much, but I always thought it meant 'shining'." Rose asked, doubting she would ever be brave enough to out rightly ask Romi.
"It can also mean desert flower and beauty." Malika winked causing Rose to blush even harder. Malika laughed at her flushed complexion.
"Tell me, how many dresses and jewels do you have? I love your shawl... it is so elegant and I've never felt anything so soft!" Malika gushed as she reached out to stroke it gently.
"Too many." Rose giggled as she begged her cheeks to lose their heat. "You can have my shawl if you want it... I have a hundred variations back home." She shrugged as she pulled the lacy shawl from around her shoulders.
She had a feeling Malika would cherish it more then she did.
"Are you serious?" Malika squealed as she jumped up with a huge grin showing slightly uneven teeth.
"Of course." Rose affirmed, feeling amazed that one small action could make such joy swirl into someone's eyes. It was more satisfying then receiving gifts herself.
"Wow oh wow! This is the best day ever! Thank you so much Princess!" Malika exclaimed joyfully and dived into Rose's arms for a sweet hug.
"Well I am glad to see you two getting along."
Rose looked up to see Romi entering back into the room. He was so tall he barely missed the doorframe, and his broad shoulders almost filled the entire space. Rose was glad to see him smiling, but the embarrassment of her encounter with his mother burned back into the light.
"Princess Rosilabeth has given me her shawl Romi! Look at it! She is the nicest Princess ever; please bring her over more often!" Malika exclaimed as she raced over to show her brother her new belonging.
"You look lovely Mal. Thank you Rose that was very sweet of you." Romi smiled looking impressed which made a burst of happiness flow through Rose. "Will you go and see mother Malika? She needs your help making a bed up."
"Ok Romi... Thank you so much again Princess Rosilabeth. I hope to see you soon." She smiled as she dipped into a curtsy making Rose feel unsettled.
She did not want there to be any barriers between them. It did not feel right for her to hold an elevated position when she felt like an ordinary girl around them.
"Goodbye Malika, I hope to see you again soon too." Rose exclaimed as she stood up.
Once Malika had gently closed the door behind her, Rose rushed forward to Romi who was standing under the small candelabra hanging from the ceiling.
"I am so sorry Romi, you must believe me - I never meant to cause any offence! I feel terrible about upsetting your mother." Rose exclaimed pitifully as she reached for his hands, which squeezed hers back.
"It is ok Rose, do not worry about it. My mother would have taken nothing you said kindly, and I must apologise for her rudeness. I feel as though I owe you an explanation for why she acts like she does..."
'You mean why she hates me and my family...' Rose thought.
"You do not have to Romi." She shook her head, understanding it was a private matter.
"I want to. I had a younger brother... Kaamil." Romi started with thick emotion in his voice and pain in his eyes. "He was killed a few years ago in a supposedly peaceful protest against Queen Nijah's claim to the throne. He was supporting her and things turned violent c-causing a, a stampede. He was... he was one of three who lost their lives that day." Romi revealed heartbrokenly.
"Oh Romi that is terrible! I am so, so sorry to hear about Kaamil." Rose gushed as she shared in his sadness and reached out to support him. "I understand... Your mother blames the Royal family for the death of her son. It is unsurprising; I just hope that one day she will be able to forgive us." Rose exclaimed before shyly stepping forward to embrace Romi.
"Yes exactly... Kaamil was always very headstrong and stubborn, and he never should have been there. It was his own fault, but it does not make it any less heart-breaking." Romi sighed as he rested his chin upon Rose's head.
"I am sure he was a lovely person. I wish I could have met him." Rose whispered as they lingered in the hug.
"He was. Kaamil would have liked you. He was always a fan of beautiful women." Romi murmured back causing a bashful smile to spread upon Rose's lips.
He thought she was beautiful. It was the best compliment she had ever received.
Sudden creaking floorboards from above made Rose and Romi quickly untangle from each other, Rose shyly looking away as Romi stared at her, smitten. They were beginning to like each other's presence a little too much, crossing the safe border of friends into uncharted territory.
The Tale of a Princess Fallen from Grace
Narrativa StoricaRosilabeth grew up as your average pampered Princess, only caring about her twinkling jewels, embellished clothes and securing a rich Prince as a husband. However, after a few bad choices she finds herself alone having to watch her son grow up calli...