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It's about 1pm and that means it's time to leave. I have to go and see Donna's son so that I can "actually have friends". Whatever, he seems pretty nice and cute so it's shouldn't be too bad.

We arrive shortly after 1.30pm and knock on the door. The house is nothing special, just a regular looking house in New Jersey. Another boy answers the door, but this time not Michael. He has soft features and looks very feminine, pretty cute but too old for me. He looks about 20 years old, probably his older brother.
"Oh.. I'll go get my mom and Mikey..."

'Mikey,' I think to myself, 'what a nice nickname.'
"Hi!" Donna beams, she seems like a wonderful person. You can feel the kindness radiate from her. Her kids must be lucky.
"Hello!" I say, making sure to sound kind and nice.
"Come on in sweetheart! I'm so glad to see you!" She grins widely. I wave my parents goodbye and step into the house. It smells of wonderful home cooked food. I say hi to Mikey and Donna shows me around.

"...and this is Mikey's room! Go on in and make yourself comfortable, there's beanbag chairs for you to sit on and have a chat, get to know each other!" She says with a wink, her son blushes a light shade of pink before she realises what she's done.

"Well, I'll be off then. Make yourself at home!"
And with that she left. Just me and Mikey alone. He's pretty cute, this is the first time I've seen him up close. He has very sharp features, a lot sharper than his older brother.

"Uhh... hey?" He sees me staring, "wanna go in and sit down?"
Ah fuck. "Yeah sure!" I say, trying to sound friendly.

We sit down on the grey beanbags, matching the aesthetic of his room. The silence is awkward until I break it.
"So... what do you like to do? Like uhh... hobbies I mean?"
"I skate and I draw comics. I'm pretty into playing bass too"
"Ooh I skate too! And that's awesome, I love music and art as well."
"Nice... wanna go out? I mean to the skate park?"
"Yeah sure!" I say. Skating is one of my favourite hobbies so I'll be glad to see how good he is.

/time skip/

We arrive at the skate park, it's quite different to the one I usually go to. He lives on the other side of town to me.
"So... wanna watch me skate? I'm not the best but I try!" He giggles. That was adorable.
"Of course." I reply.

He tries to do a kick flip and surprisingly lands it. He's better than he made himself out to be. He does a few more tricks, goes down some ramps and then says he's tired and sits next to me.
"So.. I'd like to know more about you. What kind of music do you listen to?"
"I listen to a lot of typically 'emo' stuff, yknow?"
"Ha, same. People are rude to me for it but I think it's cool." He says with a slight smile. From what I've seen he doesn't smile much. But even the slightest smile makes his face light up.


We're back at the house now and it's been a few hours. I had so much fun at the skate park with him and I really like him. We get along super well and I'm kinda glad our parents let us meet.

"I have a question." I say.
"Wanna come to my house on the weekend?"
"Sure! Seems like fun."
"That's cool, if you turn up about the same time I came here that'd be great."

Hmmm, I've never heard someone say rad un-ironically but I guess it suits his personality.

"(Y/N)! Your parents are here to pick you up!" Donna says.
"Okay, I'll see you on the weekend then?"
"Yep, for sure."
"Alright sick. See ya!"

I hop down the stairs and out the front door, I wave goodbye to his mom and set off with my parents.

paradise lost in your eyes (mikey way x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now