takashi shirogane - voltron

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(a/n : this is set right after S2:E8, so if you aren't past that, read at your own risk, for there is a small amount of spoilers. another important note is that you are galra and used to work for the blade of marmora.

if this one-shot seems weird, it is because this is a story i wrote on word and copied to here because i thought you guys might like it. sorry it's so long... enjoy!)

word count : 1903


That was the best word to describe what she felt. It summed up all of the emotions trapped inside of her, and her chest ached so badly from this that it seemed she would burst; it was so overwhelming that she simply could not sleep. So she got up quietly and snuck through the endless halls of the castle until, at last, she found the control deck.

Although it sounds like an unusual place to go to calm down, the control deck had the best view of space besides outside of the castle. From this point, she could see what seemed like the depths of space. The inky black sky panned out so far, it was like it enveloped the ship and swallowed it whole. The stars glimmered brightly, dotting the sky like freckles on cheeks; there were too many to count, even if you wanted to. A distant galaxy blended in with the darkness of space, shades of deep blue and shadowy purple claiming their spot in the universe.

As she took in the awesome view, she sighed, relaxing her tense body. She let go of the stress, the worry, all of her problems that kept her teetering on the edge of insanity. Her mind started to clear, all of her troublesome thoughts washing away like sand on a shore. This is what I needed, she thought to herself. The scene claimed her attention once more, its vastness and beauty breathtaking. She pressed her hand against the cool glass, wondering what kind of secrets that ceaseless skyline held.

"Y/N?" a familiar voice called out from behind her. "What are you doing in here?"

She spun around, her deep E/C eyes meeting pair of coal black ones. The voice belonged to Shiro, the entire reason she was on that castle in the first place. Leader of the paladins of Voltron, he was the one who ultimately decided she could stay.

"I couldn't sleep," she replied gently, still a bit surprised by his sudden appearance. As she spoke, she realized that her gaze was still locked with his and looked away quickly, her face heating up in embarrassment.

"Ah." He took a few steps into the abnormally large room, glancing behind her. "I can see why you chose to come here. It's a great spot to look out from the ship."

She nodded, turning to the glass. The sky took her attention entirely; she became so absorbed in it that when she glanced away, Shiro was standing right beside her and she hadn't even noticed. In an attempt to try and ignore his presence, she looked back at the scenery. She couldn't focus now- he distracted her too much. Why he did, she didn't know.

"I, um..." She trailed off, her voice faltering. She had meant to break the silence that had been hanging between them, heavy in the air, so thick you could slice it with a knife.

"What?" He turned to her, ready to hear what she had to say.

"Nevermind. It's nothing," she said quickly, dismissing her prior statement.

"Alright, but if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

"Okay. Thanks."

They stood there for a while, gazing out into the infinite universe, admiring the allure of it all. There was silence this time, but it was a different kind. It was the kind that was comfortable, the kind where they just enjoyed each other's company. During this time, they unknowingly shifted closer to each other, almost shoulder-to-shoulder.

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