makoto naegi - danganronpa

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word count: 2156

You knew something was wrong the moment there was a knock on your bedroom door.

The repetitive sound stirred you from your dreamless sleep. You glanced at the clock on the wall as you dragged yourself out of bed. You registered with a start that it was almost two in the morning. Why in the hell was someone knocking on your door during night hours? Everyone had agreed to stay in their rooms from ten to seven, so there was seemingly no reason for someone to disturb you in the dead of night. Nevertheless, you rubbed your eyes and stumbled to the door.

"Who is it?" you called, sleep still heavy in your voice.

"I-It's Naegi," replied a gentle voice from the other side of the door.

Makoto? What is he of all people doing up and about at this hour? With a yawn, you unlocked the door and met the brunette's gaze. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll explain, but first, can I come in?" He was wringing his hands, and he kept glancing down either side of the hallway. You realized he was nervous being outside of his room during the night, which made sense, considering there was no telling what anyone would do.

You hesitated. What if he was coming to murder you? That's stupid, you thought, chastising yourself. Makoto didn't appear to have a weapon on him- not that you expected him to. He had proven himself to be a pretty trustworthy person, so you didn't have any reason to worry, right? He seemed to be as harmless as a fly, just wanting to get out of this nightmarish hellhole peacefully like everyone else.

Then again, so had Maizono, before she...

It was probably best not to think about it.

Shaking off the thought, you said, "Yeah! Yeah, come in." You stepped aside so Naegi could enter your room. After shutting and locking the door behind him, you turned to face the boy. He was taking in the rather dull decor of your bedroom, despite the fact that every dorm seemed to be nearly identical.

"I'm sorry for waking you," Makoto said, turning his gaze to you. He gave you an apologetic smile, compelling you to return the gesture.

"It's alright," you responded, although you were slightly miffed that you were awake this early in the morning. You were still shaking off the last of sleep's comforting grip. "It just startled me for someone to be awake and knocking on doors at this hour, y'know?"

"Yeah, I get it. Again, I'm sorry." Naegi seemed to be restless. Whether it be with the end of his jacket or picking at his cuticles, he was constantly fidgeting, which seemed pretty uncharacteristic of him to you. His usually rather confident aura had completely vanished; he kept glancing around nervously, like someone was going to bust through the wall and attack him at any moment. Once again, given your environment, you couldn't blame him, but you were pretty sure he wouldn't have come to your room if he didn't feel safe, so you were still puzzled by his behavior.

Your brow furrowed in concern for your classmate. "Are you alright, Naegi?" you asked, taking a step towards him.

The boy hesitated for a moment before responding to you. "I... I'm not sure," he said, sounding rather conflicted. "It's just that I had this dream and I really wanted to talk to someone. The first person that came to mind was you, so I got up and came over without thinking..."

A slight blush worked its way onto your cheeks at his comment. If you were being completely honest, you were a little touched by the fact that Makoto had thought to come and talk to you. From what you could remember, your friends in the outside world had never come to you when they were upset. You had to admit, it felt good that he trusted you, to the point where he went to your room in the dead of night. The thought of having a possible friend in the nightmare you were living was rather comforting. You wanted to hold on to that for as long as you could. "Well, I'm all ears, Naegi."

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