17. Going home

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Harry PoV

We both stayed overnight in the hospital to be beside Belle, it is very awkward considering that i confessed my love for her and she shot me down. Luy is still asleep on the seat next to me and i am just sitting next to Belle as she is playing with some toys. She is obviously so much better now because she is babbling to me again and she is very giggly, just like she normally is.

''morning'' I told Lucy as she woke up and rubbed her face. she was clearly struggling with a hangover even though she wasnt even drunk


''I got you something to eat. I went to subway and got your sandwich. cheese and ham toasted with mayo, lettuce, onion and cucumber and i got you a white chocolate cookie'' i told her and pointed over to the table where the bag was

''thank you. how is she?''

''fine, she had vitals done and she is totally fine we just need to see the nurse later then we can take her home''

''that's good and I am so sorry about last night, I was rude''

''as you said, we should just move on''

Harry PoV

a few hours have past and after gruelling waiting and meeting with different people we were able to take Belle home. I want her to just stay with me so I can watch her and actually spend some quality time but I know that Lucy will feel the same way and I doubt that she wants to stay at mine.

''do you want a Uber back to mine or should we walk'' I asked Lucy as she was putting everything into Belle's bag and I was standing holding her

''well, I would walk but I feel a bit uncomfortable going out walking whist I am dressed like this''

''okay, we can maybe get a Uber then, but Belle doesn't actually have a car seat here''

''if she is on one of our laps she will be fine, it isn't a long journey''

''okay, lets get going then''

Lucy PoV

we were almost at the door to leave then Harry got a call from Josh so we stopped and sat down for him to answer, he looked angry when the call ended

''what's wrong'' I asked him

''Josh said that people must put it out on socials that we are here because they are loads of photographers outside, its all over twitter that we are here together''

''shit. who the hell did that?''

''I have no idea a few people probably saw Cal and I get off the ambulance or something''

''how are we doing this then, do we wait for them to go away?''

''nah, they wont leave for ages yet and we should go home. we just have to go for it''

''but what if people find out?''

''we can worry about that later, lets just go'' we got up and harry put Belle down to put on his hoodie and put his hood up before picking Belle up and leading the way out of the door

as soon as we got out of the doors, we put our heads down walking to the Uber. There were so many flashing cameras, some secretly and some not. we finally made it to the car and we both got in really fast. I had never experienced anything like it and it was really something.

Harry PoV

as we sat down in the car and started to drive away I sighed in relief. I can't believe that someone told press that we were here, whether it is a big story or not it was the wrong time and place for it. Belle was sat on my lap and she wasn't phased at all, she was just sat there stroking the fluffy lining of my hoodie. Lucy looked mad and uncomfortable at the same time.

''sorry about all that'' I told her

''no, its not your fault. I am worried that this will effect you when people find out''

''no, its okay. people were bound to find out eventually''

''I guess they would, this is just all such a mess'' she told me before putting her head in her hands. we then sat in silence for the rest of the journey, as we reached the flat there were people standing outside there too. it is all such a mess but at least we are home so we just have to play a waiting game.

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