8. Coming to terms

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Harry PoV

Now I am just sat on the couch next to Lucy after we both have been able calm down, I am now just staring down at my daughter. my daughter. its almost unbelievable. she really does look like me. 

I feel really bad for shouting at Lucy because it really is my own fault that i didn't know, we broke up because of me and my stupid actions. i am still angry but i am really coming to terms with it now. 

All of a sudden Belle starts to get upset. Lucy starts to get up but I stop her so that i have a chance to sort of prove myself to her.

''what's the matter with you then?'' lucy asks her

''no, let me.'' I told her

''are you sure?''

''of course'' i reply

I walked over to Belle and picked her up, she was still upset so I started to bounce her around and she started to calm down a little bit. i have no idea what i am doing

''mama'' she reached for Lucy so i gave Belle to her and went into the kitchen and brought some strawberry yogurt from the fridge.

''don't worry, i am sure she will warm to you, it just takes some time. it was the same for  everyone else but she is good with them now'' she told me

''it takes me time too. can I  give her this?'' Lucy nodded at me and put belle in between us on the couch and i started to spoon the yogurt into her mouth and she was already starting to warm to me a bit.

I am really starting to come around to everything. It's a lot to take on in just one day. Part of me wants to keep screaming and express my anger but at the same time i want to just be calm and prove myself so that i can actually be a part of Belle's life.

Lucy PoV

It was nice to see Harry and Belle bonding with each other, after all the shouting I am glad that he is coming around to the idea and we both have some empathy for each other. I am also surprised that he took it okay.

I am just sitting watching him feed her yogurt and he is getting really soft with her. I am glad that he knows now because all of the bad can be put behind us and we can just work on building bridges and relationships together. i feel so light now and i finally have nothing to hide. maybe i can even have some help now so that I am not taking care of her 24/7.

''how did everyone else know? have they known all this time?'' he asks me as he becomes concerned

''no, I bumped into Simon, Josh and Ethan when I was out shopping with Belle and they made the connection i guess. then i went out for lunch with the girls and that how i ended up here. i promise they haven't known for long''

''don't worry about it. So, are you living here again now?'' Harry asked me

''yeah, we have a flat not far from here its not great but it does the job for us. I am ready to be back for good, this feels like home for me''

''so, would it be okay for us to spend more time together.''

''we would love that. why don't we start tomorrow, I need to go to Ikea and get Belle some furniture and I would love some help, its hard to keep her entertained and actually buy things that i need''

''yeah, I can do that''

''great, I can come over to yours tomorrow morning if you want. and you can lunch with her?''

''okay, lets say 11am''

''okay, we will be there''

We have done it. we have got past all the stupid fighting and we are already starting to build relationships. This is all i wanted for Belle her entire life and it has finally happened.

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