23. Reunited

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Lucy PoV

We got out of the Uber outside of JJ and Simon's place and i put Belle down to walk by herself and she ran right to the door where Harry was waiting for us. she instantly went from being quite moody all day to being so happy and excited

''Dada, DADA!'' she screamed for Harry and ran to him before he picked her up and kissed her cheek as she hugged into his neck. it made me really happy to see the love they have for each other. i followed behind her and when i got to the door Harry and I shared a slightly awkward side hug and he kissed my cheek.

''Hey, how are you?'' he asks me

''I'm good, you?''

''good, yeah. come on in then'' we discuss with a sense of awkwardness 

I went inside and walked into the living room to greet everyone and Harry walked behind me with Belle walking by his side and waving at everyone

''Belle say hello to everyone'' Harry tells her

''hello'' she calls out to everyone

''good job Belle'' i tell her

''oh, she already looks so grown up since we last saw her'' Talia tells us

''i know,  and she turned 18 months today''

''such a big girl, and i have something for you, look what Dada got you Belle'' harry sits down on the floor with Belle standing next to him behind the couch. we all watched as he opened a big box in front of her and she giggled with excitement

''what is it Belle?'' i asked her

''car, car!'' she shouts pointing to the box and everyone is in awe over her

''wow, aren't you spoiled, Dada bought you a car''

''is that okay? i thought she would like it'' he asked me with a hint of guilt

''of course ,you can buy whatever you want for your daughter, and she does like it''

''Dada open'' Belle tells harry as she hits picture of the car on the box and jumps up an down next to Harry

''okay, ill open it then. give me a minute'' he replies as he hugs into her again

''well someone definitely has you wrapped around her little finger'' Ethan jokes as everyone laughs

After  10 minutes of hard work the car was out of the box and the handle was attached. but all of the boys seemed to enjoy it more than Belle did. Josh started to push Belle around the room and harry walked off to the kitchen so i followed him.

Harry PoV

As Lucy walked into the kitchen i put my arms up and we had a short hug. she pulled away but we were still standing close to one another.

''i missed you'' she tells me hesitantly

''i missed you even more'' i reply as i find my hand going to her cheek again

within a few seconds i found us kissing again, but this time she seems into it and she doesn't pull away for a while. and, then she does

''i love you Harry'' she said quickly and then starts to kiss me again

''does that mean?'' i interrupted

''yes'' we stopped to look at each other smiling before kissing again 

in the back of my eye i could see Josh walking in whilst pushing Belle in the car with him and Freya following in afterwards. i saw them but kind of blanked them out

''Lets go get some snacks Belle'' Josh announces before he sees us

''snacks'' belle shouts and claps her hands

''you should find that snack cup thing Lucy left here'' Freya adds

''ew' josh whispers

''cover her eyes josh'' Freya tells him

''what?'' he asks

''cover Belle's eyes, she doesn't need to see this'' Freya adds

''her eyes? cover my eyes, i don't need to see this''

we pulled away from each other and laughed. my hand went around Lucy's waist and i pulled her into my side.

''so, are you two a thing again then?'' Freya asks us

''yeah, i guess we are'' i told her as i hugged into Lucy. she screams and runs off

''she has gone to tell everyone hasn't she?'' Lucy asks josh

''oh, yeah'' Josh tells us

we then all made our way back to the living room, I held Lucy's hand and everyone went crazy. i now have so much to be thankful for, and i am beyond happy at this moment.

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