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Natsu's kiss that day had been a message: "I missed you terribly. Though I'm to busy to talk, I had to at least give you that." My cheeks warmed slightly at the memory, as I continued on my way...

'Seven days... seven looong days.' I sighed loudly.

"My, my, if you're in need of consolation, I'm always available."

'Eh, Jellal..' though I've come to understand a little more about him. He still isn't my go to. "Heh, no thanks."

"No need to need to be frightened. I was only offering-."

"Nope, not looking forward to any torment today. And I'm not in need of consoling. I'm just busy."

"Pity" Jellal laughed the way I imagined a snake would. As I quickly passed him. 'Creepy!'

Well, back to work.. I'll see if I can find Natsu later. A little further down the hall I found Jellal standing up against a pillar, waiting for me just out of reach from The castle's library.

"Aah! Wha-!" I had to do a double take, quickly looking behind me, then back to stare him down. "H-how-?"

"Silly girl, you were so deep in thought that I merely circled you. Now, as I was going to say before so rudely interrupted. The best rewards come to those who are patient."

"So you think there's been a reason Natsu's been so busy?" 'HOW DOES HE KNOW!'

"I'll see you later, Lady Lucy."

"Wait! How did-?" I called after him. But before I could finish, Jellal was gone.

A bit later, and sure enough.. I'd missed Natsu yet again. So I returned to my work.


I'd just finished dropping off some requested documents for Gray. It was sunset by the time I was done.

'This makes day eight..'

With a sigh, I casted my eyes up at the skyline of warm, inviting reds. Only for it to tug at my heart.
A warm breeze caressed my cheek, as if to tell me that I would be alright.

'At least we're living in the same world, in the same time.' We'd achieved a miracle, that's for sure. Plus one week doesn't compare to our previous record of three months. 'I'll be fine.'

I stared up at the tenshu of Dragnof castle, while I walked down the street.

"What are you staring at, Lucy?"

'That sounds like-!'

"I'm staring up at Dragnof. It's pretty in the sunset, ya know. But I'd rather be looking at you."

I turned around. At the other end of the street, the man I wanted to see more than anything was walking my way.

Natsu chuckled, with a light grin. "Then look at me. I always think your going to trip when you stare at the sky that way."

"Ahah, Now I know why you're here. You've secretly swapped bodies with Sting! After all, I haven't seen Natsu in days."

Natsu, took a wide step closer to me. His smile grew. "I can prove to you I'm real."

"Oh? Then prove it."

Natsu stopped next to me, he was positively alluring in the light. "Come." He took my hand in his strong, calloused one. I'd almost forgotten what his hand felt like in mine. "I have some time off and I want nothing more than to spend it with you, Lucy."

'Not sure what he's got planned, but it sure is a treat to have Natsu come and fetch me.'

Together we walked in the direction of that sparkling sunset.

Only time will tell what Our Future has in store for us...


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