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This was my second day in the past.. and here I was, spending it witnessing my first battle. I can only imagine this would be one of many. I had found a corner of the camp and sat with my knees to my chest, trying not to hear the battle cries. But the noises were incessant, tromping horses, swords clashing, and crackling booms that I could only assume were from magic being tossed.

Natsu, who sat on a cloth folding chair at the middle of the camp, looked over at me, intrigued.

"Why are you huddled over there for, Lucy?"

"Just leave me alone! I'm not used to all this!"

"Hm, you'd cower from this? I'm amazed that the woman who'd pulled me from a burning temple would hunker in fear."

"You were about to be killed, there was fire, lots of fire! And I'm not one for blood shed!"

The fact that'd I interrupted a man with a sword and pulled myself plus another human from a burning building still amazed me, but still.. that was starting to feel normal compared to all the magic and now being apart of history in the making.

"Anyways, you seem to be enjoying yourself."

Natsu's eyes flickered with the camp fire as he let out a snide chuckle. "Heh, are you really asking that?"

'Again, what's so funny about all this?..' Just as I thought this a vessel came running into the tent. He was beaming with triumph and kneeled before Natsu. "We've breached the old dogs mouth! The vanguard's spearman are in."

"Continue pressing, Break through the second circle and aim for the castle."

More reports came in from the frontlines of the battle in rapid succession and Natsu sent out orders just as fast. It was clear Natsu's troops were winning as his forces broke through another layer of the castles defenses. While I was admiring Natsu's cool over this whole thing, another vassal arrived with a report. "My Lord, The enemy commander has sallied out!"

"Heh, so Tōga has come to risk his life in battle. I admire his courage, however he should know that a dog hasn't a chance against a dragon.."

'Wha- the what? What's all this talk about dogs and now dragons? I thought this was all military shit talk.' I was still huddled trying to wrap my mind around the odd lingo, when Natsu rose from his chair, tilting his head side to side and cracking his knuckles. "I'll put an end to him personally."

"Wait, your going out there too!?"

Natsu smirked as he answered, "Why wouldn't I? Besides you'll be coming too. I'm sure your starting to get bored just sitting there. I want you to see this."

"Nah, nope, I'm comfy right here actually, thanks." I stood up and started to scurry away as he ordered for me to be placed on a horse. 'Kyaa!'

After being led out of the camp and put astride a horse, Natsu on foot. I rode onto the battlefield, where I received an eyeful of horrors. 'Uh, T-This is awful!' Through the guards protecting me, I could see men fighting with swords, spears, and 'magic circles?' Each scream, groan, and shout shook me and a pungent, burnt smell pervaded the air.

The field was seeracticlly set a blaze and there were animalistic growls and roars in the distance.. 'What a nightmare!'

On top of all this I noticed I was slipping to the side a little with each thud of my horse's hooves hitting the dirt. "Kyaa!" My shriek received a quick casted look from Natsu.

I tumbled out of my saddle and fell to the ground, landing hip first on the ground. 'Ow!' I winced with pain as I sat up, only to shrink down as I noticed the towering shadows lingering on the other side of the flames that lay in front of me. 'Wha-What are those!!' My mind was giving away to the utter fear creeping in as the snarls grew louder.

A booming voice yelled out for archers, with that a chorus of colorful illuminated wails filled the air. 'M-Magic arrows?' That's when I remembered my keys, I patted myself, searching for them, I'd planned on calling Loke. However during my distraction I failed to see the arrows headed my way, not towards Natsu.

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