,,I'm done."

1.5K 66 67

Listened to some sad shit and got an idea so yah. Can I get an F for my parrot? He passed away ,_,  he was a good birb
~3rd person POV~
,,Bald! Bald! Bald!" a donation said and many kids were yelling either Japanese Symbol For Beginner or Green and Yellow Leaf, 14 and maannnyyy more memes. BadBoyHalo, the owner of MunchyMC and also the person streaming, was trying his best to keep calm. Well...we all know it was impossible. He wasn't in a good mood and this wasn't helping, it was just making it worse.

Taking a deep breath he kept going on and tried his best to ignore them. His anger was slowly bringing him to tears. Bad was thinking about ending the stream but he had to finish the event. ,,Guys please! Stop it with the—" he was cut off by a donation sound ,,Egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg"   He let out a sound of frustration, clearly not enjoying this stream anymore.

Turning off the donations made him feel bad, but if he wanted the event to be done he had to. The only thing he had to do was not to look at the chat. Which was hard. He already turned off donations and if he had to mute people, he would feel like a monster.

Giving small glances at the chat he saw a lot of people spamming and I mean a lot. Letting out a sigh of frustration, he ended the stream and ended the event, no byes, no explanation. Nothing.
He joined the hub and flew over to his house (now, there probs isn't a house but bear with me okay. Let's pretend there is his secret house on the hub).

Opening the door he slowly came in and shut it behind him. He walked around the house, enjoying the silence before going into his room.

Sitting down on his bed, he stared into nowhere. Why? Why can't I just have a normal peaceful stream? BBH thought to himself, tears slowly rolling down his face as he quietly cried.

A small while later
,,Uh...Bad? Are you here?" a familiar voice could be heard from the front door. He thought it was just one of his mods being concerned about him, but it was actually his entire staff team. They all came to his room to see their boss, sitting on the bed and crying his eyes out. They all became more concerned and rushed to him, trying to cheer him up at least by a bit.

One hour later (look I'm tired and also want to write another one okay?)

All the staff had left after they comforted him and gave him some presents and nice things. Bad got up from his bed and went to grab something to eat only to get startled by one person sitting on his couch. ,,W-what are you doing here? I thought everyone left already..?" he stammered out. The person didn't even bother to look at him. ,,They did. But I didn't. I waited because I wanted to..tell you something." sighing they got up and walked to Bad. ,,Callahan if you are gonna tell me that Wool Wars crashed again then don't worry, I will handle it."

Callahan only shook his head. ,,No, it's something else." before Bad could ask what, he was pulled into a tight hug (I bet that you thought they will kiss, didn't you? >:D). ,,Callahan wh-" he was cut off by his admin ,,Bad. Listen to me. You don't deserve this. It's not good for you. Just take a break or something, you always overwork yourself and then stream only to end up breaking down. Just when you don't feel like streaming, don't stream. I'm sure they will understand."
With that the owner just couldn't take it anymore and hugged back as tightly as he could, crying on his admin's shoulder. ,,I'm just done..it is impossible to do anything. I wish I never met Skeppy..life would be so much easier.." Bad cried out and Callahan just let him. After all..he has some "small" feelings for him, y'know, just a "little" crush on the owner.

They stayed in the hug for who knows how long, neither of them wanting to stop. ,,Hey Callahan?" Bad said looking up (Callahan is taller and also the top. FITE ME). The other just hummed in response. ,,I...love you." he said and this made Callahan look at him, both in shock and happiness. 'The owner BadBoyHalo, the person I have feelings for..likes me back?' Callahan thought, smile slowly creeping on his face.

,,I love you too." he said and with that they shared their first kiss and then ended up cuddling on the couch or something. I don't know, I'm tired okay?


1. Yes, I know. It's horrible.
2. Sorry for not uploading.
3. I'm tired
4. Pls, gib ideas
5. Hope ya enjoyed anyway.


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