some sad shit idk

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Idk. I feel sad so have some sadness.
It's short.
Warnings: Suicide, Mentions of cutting, cuss words
Yep. Enjoy?
3rd person POV
He stared as the couple was happily spending their time together. He tried to move on but it was hard. Tears slowly started to roll down from his eyes, down on his cheeks.

,,There's plenty of fish in the sea." Bad said between sobs as he watched Callahan and Alyssa doing couple stuff. (Don't you dare to yell at me that they're not dating just because Dream said that)
Many people told him to move on but it was hard. He fell damn hard for Callahan.

When he saw them give each other quick kiss, he ran away. The owner that was usually happy and positive was now a broken mess. He tried to let out the pain by cutting in hopes of feeling better and hopefully moving on. Only ended up in addiction of cutting himself. Many of his friends and staff were concerned about him and tried to help him but the response was always the same cursed sentence everyone says.

,,I'm fine."

And the broken owner said it so many times that they all stopped believing him.
Finishing up his last goodbye letter for Callahan and all his friends and staff, he broke down and cried for an hour.
,,Am I really gonna do this?" Bad thought to himself, wiping away the tears. All letters have been labeled for who they're ment to be.

Getting up and going to his drawer, he took out a rope. Gripping it tightly, more tears escaped his eyes.
Hearing a knock on the door, he guessed it was the grim reaper coming for him. So..he kicked the chair he was standing on away. And watched his life flash in front of his eyes, before going to deep sleep forever.

Meanwhile with Callahan (+his POV)
,,I'm going to get Bad on." I typed in chat and Dream just nodded before talking with the stream again. Joining Munchy, I joined the hub and flew over to his house.

Knocking on the door, I waited a bit. ,,Maybe he's not home?" I whispered to myself before trying to open the door and it indeed was open.
,,What the hell? He never leaves the door open." I shut my mouth and hoped that no one heard me talk.

Entering the suspiciously quiet house, I went into his room and I could feel and hear my heart drop and shatter into small pieces. There was the owner, hanging, his body swaying back and fourth slowly and peacefully. My eyes filled up with tears as I noticed all the letters beneath him.

They were goodbye letters to everyone. I called everyone and they all came in after like a second I mentioned what happened.

We all took the letter ment for us and read it. I didn't open mine yet because I was scared. But it's from Bad.
Opening the letter I read quietly in my head.
,,Dear Callahan,
if you are reading this, that means I'm..gone. I'm really sorry but it was too much. I have a confession for you and that is that..
I love you. I love you more than anything. More than a friend, best friend, bestie, etc. But you're with Alyssa and I understand and respect that, but it was hard to move on. I fell hard for you. Please forgive me.
~ Sincerely.. BadBoyHalo
       Ps. Please take good care of Munchy"
After reading that letter, I broke down.
I couldn't believe it. He..loved me back? I only got with Alyssa because I thought he doesn't like me.
,,Oh god. This is all my fault! I wish I confessed to him otherwise none of this would happen!" I yelled at myself in my thoughts. Looking at his lifeless body, that was no longer hanging, I got up and left. Taking out a command block I announced the tragedy that happened.
The chat was flooded with sadness and I'm guessing it's gonna be here for a long time.

MunchyMC is no longer gonna be the same after the loss of the owner.
Nothing is going to be the same again.

The end
Sad shit and stuff.
Uhm..sorry? Whelp. Next chapter is gonna be fluff again.
Please don't kill me tho.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed


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