💔chapter six: hurts like hell💔

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{A/N: sorry I haven't been posting, I just feel a bit down lately and not motivated to do anything. But, I'll try to post more frequently, sorry for the long wait for the last chapter and this chapter! This chapter will also be a bit longer.}

Katsuki was writing in his journal at his desk in the guest bedroom, at Aizawa's place.
"Katsuki!!" Katsuki heard present mic yell.
" Yeah?!"
" Dinners done!"
Katsuki was never used to hearing that. But, he wasn't the only UA student staying there.
"You know that they aren't gonna leave you alone until you do, right?" A tired voice sighed.
" I know." He smiled at it tho. Mitsuki wouldn't even let him eat... But, katsuki didn't want to think about that.
"I'll be down in a sec. Let me finish this, or I'll most likely forget in ten minutes."
Katsuki and Hitoshi both chuckle lowly.
"Alright. Be down soon. I'll tell them what you're doing."
He nodded and left. Him and katsuki have been getting rather close. Katsuki basically lived with them.not that he was complaining. They treated him like family. The family he needed in his sad. Sad Life...  (Wait no not that. Oh well ┐( ˘_˘)┌) Katsuki's family was perfect. That is until Masaru died.... He will never forget his dad. He was almost finished writing. He always end his writing with a quote.
"Sometimes the worst place you can be, is in your own head."
After katsuki finished writing, he closed the book and went downstairs.
~•time skip•~
{Bakugou's pov}
'no one want you here katsuki. You're just making everything they do harder.'
I look at my window to see an outline of a folded paper. Wait. They know where Aizawa lives?! Stalker much. I open the window and take the note off and read it.


This letter is to you,
The you that's had a rough week. The you that seems to be under constant storm clouds. The you that feels invisible. The you that doesn't know how much longer you can hold on. The you that has lost faith. The you that always blames yourself for everything that goes wrong. To you.

You deserve happiness. And I mean real happiness; true happiness. The kind that makes you heart fill with warmth.

And you deserve to fe what it feels like to be okay. To feel like the world isn't against you. To feel like you aren't constantly trading water to just to keep from drowning. More than anything, you deserve you be okay.

And I know it's hard to hear this, especially when you are so sad. Especially when you are so far away from loving yourself. But still I want you to know. Because one day, you are going to feel okay again. One day you are going to feel happy again. It's just a matter of time.

Whatever you are going through, you are not going through it alone. I am here, though you may not know who this is, just know that we all care about you Kastuki. We all love you. We all need you. And we all are worried about you. Not just the bakusquad either. Sometimes I have Ashido calling me at 2 am crying because she just want to know if you're okay.... Just. At least talk to one of us. Please Katsu, for your sake and ours...



K?  I guess it's not sero or ashido... But, why do they care so much about me? I write back a short letter because I already wrote a lot in my journal. I taped it and got ready for bed.

{No one's pov}
"So is he just gonna live with us forever? I mean, I'm not complaining. He helps around the house, he's actually quiet and kind to Hitoshi."
" I don't know. It seems like he's getting better, now that he's here. It's only safe if we keep him a little longer. We can talk tomorrow to see if he wants to go back."
" Why would he though? I mean. She abused him because he couldn't save his father?! Mistakes happen! "
The two older males talk about it at the table while drinking some tea.
" So that's why he's staying with us?"
Present mic yells, choking on his tea and falling out of his seat.
" Sadly, yes."
Hitoshi nods and begins to walk upstairs.
"Don't stay up too late. Goodnight."
Present mic and Aizawa continue talking about for another few hours before they heard a scream along with a thud. They looked at each other before they ran upstairs realizing it was from Katsuki's room. Aizawa busts the door open with Hitoshi And present mic right behind him. Katsuki was on the floor shaking, crying, and gripping on the the blanket that was still half way on the bed. He was holding on the blanket as if his life depended on it.
"Katsuki?" Aizawa spoke in a soft voice.  He slowly walked over to the curled up boy.
"Ple-please make them... Them go aw-away...."  Katsuki cried, Aizawa slowly lowered his hand to Katsuki's back.
"It's okay... I'm here." Katsuki shot up and hugged Aizawa. He comforted him. He looked at the two males that were still at the doorway. They had a look of concern and worry.
"Do you want me to call one of your friends?"  Katsuki was still trying to calm down, he didn't want one of his friends. He needed them. Katsuki slowly nodded his head.
"Okay. Hitoshi. Do mind?"
"U-uhm. No."
Hitoshi took Aizawa's place and hugged Katsuki protectively. Aizawa walked out and called who thought would be the best for right now.
"Uhm? Hello?"
"Hello Ashido, sorry for bothering you so late, would you mind coming over? "
" H-huh?! "
" It's... Bakugou... He's been staying at my house because of personal reasons and he needs someone to comfort him... "
Mina gasps.
" Of course! Just send me the address and I'm on my way!"
" Okay. Thank you Ashido."
" No problem. "
~•time skip•~
Ashido knocked and waited eagerly. She was really worried about bakugou. But he never talked to her or anyone. So, this was her time!  Present mic opened the door,
"Ahsido! You came fast."
"Well I hurried. Bakugou was never the one to really talked to anyone about his feeling and I've been worried about him! "
He nodded and showed her where Katsuki was. She gasped, seeing him in this state just broke her...
"B-bakugou?" She whispered but it was loud enough for him to hear. He glanced in her direction. He stood up and felt like crying again. Ashido ran over to him and hugged him. She was afraid that if the let go, he would disappear.
"A-Ashido?" Katsuki's voice cracked. Which cause Ashido to tear up more. She let go of him and sat him on the bed. She sat down next to him.
"So, you wanna talk about it? I know talking about always helps me."
" Is that why you talk all the damn time?"
Katsuki had a small smile on his face.  Mina saw and wanted to lighten up the mood just a bit more. She gasped and put her hand over her chest, acting over dramatic.
"I am officially offended." This made Katsuki chuckle. Ashido smiled to herself, knowing that what she is doing, is helping him.
"But seriously, do you wanna talk?"
She put her head on his shoulder, looking up at him. Katsuki looked over at her sadly,
"I just.... Had a nightmare. About..." Katsuki started to tear up. Ashido noticed and quickly got up and went in front of the broken boy. She kneeled down and looked at him
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."
"It all just hurts like hell!"
He shouted breaking down, right in front of her. It broke her. She always cared for Bakugou and she always felt like he was her big brother. Messing with her, bullying her,teasing her, and occasionally being nice. But this. This whole situation, broke her. She did the only thing that would help her in situations like these. She hugged him. She rubbed his back, held him protectively, and told him it was okay. And that's when she saw them. New over old. Deep over thin. And him. More broken than she thought....

Why can't I leave this world? {Depressed Bakugou fanfic} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now