The Breakup

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Harrison POV:

I've had at least a month prior of sleepless nights, last night was the first time I actually managed to get some decent sleep, and then the morning ruined it, I woke to find he wasn't there, I longed to see him with his morning bed hair and those soft warm morning kisses he used to give me. I loved him so much, I don't know why it had to end. I thought I would spend everyday until I died with Tom but then it all ended..... that one night.

Harrison's POV:

Back to "That Night"

"Come on babe let's go" I say to Tom, we were getting ready to go out, He sighed almost looking like he was sick of all of this but I shrugged the thought out of my mind and continued. We headed off to the bar in a cab, along the ride Tom didn't make as much chatty talk as I would've thought, maybe he was tired, we had just finished filming Chaos Walking a few weeks ago anyway.

When we got there we were just chilling and drinking and talking, nothing much and it was then, that it all began.

I tried to go over to him on the dance floor and just you know dance beside him, but he kept moving away for some reason and so after a few tries I gave up.

I tried to talk to him but he didn't want to and finally after a while of him ignoring me he said

"We need to talk"

What the hell does that mean "we need to talk?1" I haven't a clue.

"Alright love, let's go home then" I reply cheerily.

"Mhm" He replied.

After that Tom didn't even so much as utter another word to me and I don't know why!

When we got home Tom looked awful, like something has been bugging him on the inside.

"Alright darling?" I ask

He almost flinches when I say "darling"

"Haz, I don't think it's going to work, us being in this secret relationship" Tom starts

"S-ss-o you want to go public" I stammer back.

"No no, Harrison I don't think this is going to work.... at all" he says almost in tears.

"But why Tom, what about everything we have together" I said not even trying to hold back my tears.

"I think it will be better for both our careers, especially yours as you aren't a fully developed actor yet, and it might be better for the public if they never know about us" Tom said also completely in tears now.

"But-but" I was lost for words.

"I also think it would be better if I was with a higher class actress, you know to cover up the evidence" Tom half yelled half whispered.

But I wasn't listening anymore, I had just died inside, the person I loved most was gone, leaving me here.

"Alright Thomas" Was all I got manage, there was no point using nicknames or Pet names anymore and he was right after all, with all the career stuff, but why did he have to get my hopes up that we might be able to be a happy couple.

"I-i-i should go" I mumble and with that I went to my room grabbed my bag and put everything I needed into it, and with that I left. As soon as I was out of range of my old house I just burst, burst into tears and anger and sadness, mostly sadness of loosing the person who meant the most to me.

Present day

So here we are a month later, at my old flat with Monty. At least I have Monty, but no amount of puppy cuddles can change the way I feel about Tom. I don't look at anyone or try to find anyone attractive and I definitely don't hook up with anyone either, because a huge piece of my heart is still with Tom.

I got up out of bed and opening the door to let Monty out. After that, I decided to get dressed and take Monty out, so I could grab an Ice coffee.

"Come on Monts" I say. Life is getting a bit easier, and I've begun to miss him less everyday but only by a tiny bit. It doesn't help that he is the main focus of all my devices, everywhere I go I see his face (joke intended) on my phone, laptop even my iPad, and it's hard to completely forget about him.

I grab Monty's leash and grab my coat, laced up my Doc Martens before walking out.

It was a pretty nice day outside I have to admit, the sun was shining and London was obviously getting it's one day of summer today. Suddenly my phone rang so I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the screen, on it read;

My Spidey

I hadn't even bothered to change his name on my phone. I cringed when I read it.

I declined the call thinking it must've been an accident, why would he ring me? I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking but a few seconds later my phone rang again and the same name popped up I declined the call again before going in and changing his name back to; "Thomas Stanley Holland"

After him ringing me at least 10 times more I accepted his call, he obviously wanted to talk. 

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