Puppy Love

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Tom didn't know what he should do, so he decided to ring the one person who would know what to do, except the time differences were crazy, he just prayed his "godfather" would be awake.

He went into his contacts and found the number, he hesitated before clicking call.

"GEEZ, calling at this hour Tom - but he stopped when Tom croaked

"Hi, yea sorry"

"Hey kid are you ok, you sound awful" Robert replied, "what's wrong?! Explain"

"No, not really I need your help, recently I broke up with my boyfriend..... Harrison thinking it would be best for us and our careers, and now I've realised it wasn't the right thing to do! To make matters worse, I did a photo shoot with Lili Reinhart, you know the actress from Riverdale and now Harrison thinks I'm dating her and.. Oh god I've effed this up so bad" Tom cried into the phone.

"Whoa there, shhh, take a deep breath, and slow down, Tom you're going to be ok" Robert said reassuring Tom

"You listen while I talk alright" Robert says again.

"Mhm" Tom whimpered while sobbing.

"First, Tom you need to clear things up with Lili, alright? You need to tell her to text Harrison to tell her you were together for a photo shoot and then maybe send him the magazine as proof or something like that, and then you need to talk to Haz and I can't help you there you need to sort that one out yourself, alright kid?

Tom nodded and then he realised Robert couldn't see him,

"Yea" He sobbed. "Thank you so much Robert I don't know what I'd do without you" Tom replied gratefully

"Don't thank me yet, you haven't got the boy back" Robert said chuckling before adding "that is why they call me the godfather."

They chatted a bit more and then Robert hung up. So Tom sent a few messages and told himself he would wait by his phone until he got a reply.

A few hours after Harrison was lying on his couch doing some work on a script and tying up some loose ends with work when his phone dinged, he didn't even see it until he went to check the time and saw his phone was alive with light. He picked it up to see he had a message from someone on his WhatsApp, but he never gave away his number so who was it from? He clicked into it and it came up with an unknown number saying *Maybe Lili Reinhart* why the hell would she be texting me, Harrison thought.

Oh I know, probably to ask me some stupid questions about Tom, or rub it in more that they were together! Well, nothing could make him more upset so he clicked it anyway.

The message read;

*Random number* ~ Maybe Lili Reinhart

Hey there, hope everything is going well for you, just wanted to let you know so you could pass the message to Tom, that he is a great modelling partner and if you've seen my latest post or magazine that he was with me when I did my most recent photo shoot, hopefully you can let him know as he told me he had to dash off after we had finished, I didn't catch his number either, but, I did find yours somehow........

Yours truly Lili Reinhart!

He decided to simply reply;

No worries will do!!

After that Harrison went and checked the post again to see they WERE on the front cover of a magazine! Ohhhhh!

So that does explain why they were together, and it's quite obvious that Tom told her to text Haz after our whole incident at the cafe, but it doesn't explain why he cared so much about Haz understanding that, unless he still had feelings for Haz.....

Monty broke Haz from his thoughts by jumping up and giving Harrison a good lick!

"Lovely Monty, I really needed that" He said while laughing, he wasn't lying though, he was in need of some cuddles, and sadly puppy cuddles weren't going to do it today, as a matter of fact only cuddles from a certain person would make Harrison feel better but that wasn't going to happen ever......... or so he thought.

Harrison decided to take his mind off things for a bit and take Monty out as he looked like he was getting restless,

"Monty!!" He called and his springer spaniel came bounding into the room with his tongue lolling to one side.

"Who wants to go out, do you want to go out" Harrison said hyping his dog up!

Monty barked and jumped and so Haz grabbed his lead and took off with his canine friend out the door.

Little did he know he was about to run into someone he really didn't want to run into...

"Go Monts go for a run" Harrison shouted to Monty who thought it was great fun and went on a big run to chase a pigeon.

Harrison was sitting watching monty playing with another dog, monty looked like he already knew the other dog and it reminded Haz a lot of Tessa,

"Hey.... Harrison!" Came a voice

Oh wait that was Tessa.....

Tom sat down and the two boys didn't talk for about 10 minutes, we just sat there watching our dogs.

"I really think we need to talk about....." Tom started

"About?" Haz questioned not turning to face Tom

"Us" Tom finished

"Uh,ok" Haz replied turning to face Tom this time.

"Even if we can't go back to what we were, can we at least go back to being best-friends, I mean, Harrison, I've missed you so much, you've always been there for me and It's weird not having you look out for me all the time, I'm really sorry about what happened and Harrison I thought us breaking up would be better for us, I thought that you would make my life worse being my boyfriend... I want you to know that I made the wrong choice and I literally haven't gotten any sleep over this and... over you. Haz I know now how wrong I was and still am in every way, I know that I sound really needy right now, but in truth I just want my best-friend back, and I hope that you'll accept me back" Tom stammered.

"How could I not, mate you're such a Diva though" Harrison said laughing, pulling his best friend into a hug, it felt nice. For both of them to hold each other again, it was not that way either of them wanted but still at least they could be best friends again.

Tom got up an so did Haz, Tom was about to turn when suddenly both Tessa and monty bounded onto him and he fell back into Harrison, both landing back on the bench on top of each other,

"Hey" Tom muttered shyly

"Hey" Harrison said giggling back.

Then neither Tom nor Haz could control their temptations, the heat between them was just too much for either of them to contain and so Tom went in first locking his lips in with Haz's, at first Harrison resisted but then he loosened up and began to kiss Tom back. It was long and slow and very very hot. Both dogs stood at the foot of the bench with big puppy dog smiles, as if they knew that their work here was complete. As the two boys broke away the both gasped for air.

"Um,-m" Haz mumbled, but both boys were lost for words,

"I'm never leaving you again! I promise!" Tom said in between kissing Harrison.

The two boys decided to take this back home and eventually one thing led to another.

After a.... Let's just say eventful afternoon, Tom and Harrison lay on the couch of their normal flat cuddling and watching underrated movies together.

"I've missed us" Harrison eventually said.

"Yea me too" Tom mumbled back into Haz's shoulder.

"Did you even realise that we kissed in public" Haz questioned

"Yes because Harrison you are my life and my own choice now!" Tom said back turning and smiling before kissing Harrison.

"Just don't leave me again" Harrison said chuckling, and Tom didn't, he didn't even leave his boyfriends side for so much as a second! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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