Chapter 1 - Lily

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I was admitted into Ocean Park Hospital when I was thirteen because I had passed out in the shower. I was rushed to the hospital, my mom in hysterics. It turned out that I had not been eating enough, which was true, because I was struggling with an eating disorder. My mom was upset, mainly because I hadn't told her I wasn't comfortable with myself.

I've been living in the hospital ever since then because I've never fully recovered from what happened two years ago. It's sad, I know. A sixteen year old girl can't recover from a stupid mistake that happened three years ago. On the bright side, I've met a lot of cool people like Leo and Dash.

Leo had cancer, osteosarcoma to be exact; it took his leg. He's super smart though. Dash has cystic fibrosis, which affects his lungs, and he's super flirty with all of the young nurses. Leo and Dash are the troublemakers of our little group of friends. They smoke and drink alcohol when they can, and they suck at lying. Quoting Nurse Jackson, AKA Scary Bitch, "If you're gonna lie, honey, lie well."

There's Emma, stylish wallflower with the same problem as me. She and Leo had a thing going on, but I'm pretty sure it's over now. Anyways, Emma is super smart. She is always correcting Leo in class about things like earlier, she corrected him about a book we're reading in class. She and I are best friends. We like hanging out together and stuff.

The boy in the coma wing has the nickname "Coma Boy," though his name is actually Charlie. I don't know why he's in a coma, but I've never questioned it. Sometimes, I like to sit by his bed and talk about things that are going on. There's a guy who comes in, too, and plays guitar for the boy. I always sing along the best I can, which earns me a grateful smile.

Finally, there's me, a smart, sixteen year old girl. You already know that I struggle with this eating disorder. I'm obsessed with books, usually books by John Green. White girlish, I know. Leo likes to tease me about it, calling me "White girl." I always tell him to shut up before I take one of his crutches or hide his wheelchair. I also play the piano, a hobby I've picked up from being in the hospital so long. I even requested a keyboard for my room.

At this specific moment, I'm hanging out with Leo in his bedroom.

"Dude, Emma totally corrected you in class today," I say, my fingers playing an invisible piano on my leg.

"She's such a smart allick," Leo replies, shaking his head.

Our doctor, Doctor McAndrew, knocks on the door even though it's open. "Hey, you two."

I wave. "Hey, Doc."

"Leo, I have some news for you," Dr. McAndrew says.

"Okay," Leo replies, nodding his head as to say "Go on."

McAndrews explains to Leo that he will be getting a roommate. I instantly spit out the question, asking if the boy was cute. McAndrew only chuckles.

"Lilly, I can't tell you. I'm a man, not a teenage girl. He should be here soon," he says.

"No, I don't want a roommate. I-" Leo says as a few nurses roll in a bed.

"I feel you pulling away," McAndrew says, striding over to Leo. "And right now is not the time."

They continue their bickering, going back and forth about why Leo should or should not need a roommate.

"So what, the boy must be a total loser," Leo retorts as a boy my age peeks his head around the door.

He's pretty tall, taller than me at least. He has brown hair that hangs over his forehead. From my seat on Leo's bed, I can't tell what color his eyes are, only that they have a soft, gentle look in them. He wears a striped shirt with a blue hoodie and jeans. In my opinion, he is quite cute. He catches my eye and sends me a shy-looking smile.

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