Chapter 5 - Jordi

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Lilly doesn't come with us to the liquor store; instead, she stays at the hospital to help get things set up on the roof. I'm okay with her staying behind because she kind of looked like she needed to relax.

Dash drives us to a corner store that sells alcohol and such. He brings up two cases of beer to the register.

"ID, please," the cashier says, looking bored.

"Oh, sorry. You know, while you're at it, let me get some of those extra-large condoms please," Dash replies, handing the guy his ID. "Thank you."

The cashier takes a glances at the ID and then looks up at Dash. "I'm not taking this."

They begin to get into a little argument and I approach them, speaking in fluent Spanish. I tell the guy behind the register that we're only trying to get Leo laid, which works and soon, we're on our way back to the hospital.

After we return to the hospital, the doctor who owns the car we used begins to yell at us. Dash starts coughing and sits on the ground.

"You're faking!" the doctor says.

"What kind of doctor says that to a kid with cystic fibrosis and two kids with cancer?" Leo asks snarkily.

The doctor moans and mumbles under his breath, "Damn kids." He gets into his car and drives away, the beer and condoms still in the trunk.

As Dash is complaining about the items, Nurse Jackson comes and tells us to get inside.

"I'm going to go see how Lilly is doing," I tell Leo and Dash as we enter the hospital.

"Okay. Hope she's okay," Leo says.

"Me, too. I'll see you later," I reply and turn towards the elevator.

I get on the lift and press the button that Lilly's room is on. I arrive at the eating disorder wing and walk to her room. I knock on the door and push it open a little bit, peeking my head through the space.

Lilly is sitting at her desk, studying something. The window lets in the sunlight and it illuminates her face and hair.

"Hey Lil," I say.

She turns and smiles.

"Hey Jordi," she says.

Lilly stands up and starts to walk over, but she abruptly stops and her face flushes out.

"Lilly, are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Jordi, press my call button," she says, breathlessly.

"What-" I begin.

Lilly collapses, her face pale and her eyes closed. Thank God she's still breathing. I rush over and press her call button before kneeling next to her on the floor.

Nurse Jackson is the first one in. She kneels next to me. "What happened?"

I run a hand through my hair, flustered. "I-I don't know. She just collapsed."

The nurse glances up at me. "Jordi, listen to me. You need to go to the front desk and tell one of the nurses there to page Doctor Holstman."

I nod furiously and jump up. I rush to the front desk, leaning against it.

"Nurse Jackson said to page Doctor Holstman," I quickly explain.

The nurse there looks at me. "For who?"

"Lilly Mortez," I say.

The nurse looks just as flustered as I must look. She nods and pages the doctor. I can only hope that Lilly will be okay.

I need to go tell Leo and Dash, I think.

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