Chapter 7 - Jordi

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Hearing Lilly say those words make me happy. I smile and resume my playing and singing.

"And I'm wishing I could hold you tight Instead of singing out of tune Mmm/And release your prayers for me 'Cause I need to be so free another round of falling."

Dash seems to be into this song, so he sways gently to it, smiling. Eventually, the song ends and I put the guitar down. Lilly leans slightly into me as it's getting kind of chilly.

"I wish you could see what I'm doing to your leg right now because it's absolutely perfect," Emma says, laughing. She's writing something on my leg, and I try to lean forward and see it.

"I want you all to gather around please," Leo says as he crutches over to us. He leans on his crutches for support as he begins to speak, fiddling with the bands of red plastic on his wrist.

"I've been wearing these for a long time. It's time to let them go," he says, looking up at us.

Kara unwraps the blanket from around her shoulders and drapes it over her legs.

"Worst party favors ever," she interjects.

Leo slips off one of the red bands. "This is from my first trip to the E.R. Dash was there that night. It was the first time we met. He kept playing dead and freaking out all the nurses."

Dash laughs and Leo hands him the band.

Slipping another off of his wrist, he begins to speak to Emma. "Emma, this is from my first surgery. And I want you to wear it, to keep you safe."

"Thanks Leo," Emma replies, taking the band from him and putting it on.

"Kara, my skin graft-" he starts, trying to keep in a laugh.

"Ugh. TMI. I just threw up in my mouth," she snaps.

"'Cause I believe, like skin, there are layers to you that have yet to be revealed," he finishes, handing to her.

Kara takes it and holds the band in her hand, looking down at it. I swear I see a smile, a small one, but still a smile.

Leo looks at Lilly and I squeeze her shoulder slightly.

"Lil, you've been here a little bit longer than I have. When I met you, you were a shy, anti-social girl," he says.

"Wow, thanks Leo," Lilly says, laughing a little bit. Leo does as well.

"This band is from my first chemo session." He hands the bracelet to her and she takes it.

Lilly sniffles and wipes a tear away as she slips the bracelet on her wrist. "Thanks Leo."

Then he turns to me. "Jordi, this is the most important band of all. I wore it when I had my big surgery. And I want you to know you're not alone."

He holds it out for me to take, so I set my beer bottle down on the ground and lean forward to retrieve it. I take a second to look at it.

"We few. We happy few. We band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother," Leo says, smiling as he does so. I look up at him and smile.

"The Saint Crispin's Day Speech. Nice choice, Leo," Emma says.

No more words are said as we all leave the rooftop, smiling and happy, fiddling with the new red bands we all wear. Everyone goes their seperate ways, except for Lilly and I, so we go back to my room.

As we settle into the couch, Lilly asks, "So what did Emma write on your leg?"

I shrug. "I don't know, but I'm planning to look right now."

I pull up my pant leg and look down at the black, curly handwriting.

"Legs are super last season. -Emma. She was right, this is absolutely perfect," I say, chuckling. Lilly joins in.

There's a knock on the door and I turn my head to see Emma standing in the doorway.

"Hey. You didn't go with everyone for fro-yo?" Emma questions.

I glance down at Lilly, who is twirling her band around her wrist.

"I can't eat this late. Surgery tomorrow," I answer.

"What about you, Lilly?" Emma asks, peeking around the couch at Lilly.

"What?" Lilly asks, looking up. "Oh, no. I didn't really want to."


There's an awkward silence between the three of us before Emma speaks again.

"Oh, no. My red band, it must have fallen off somewhere. Don't tell Leo," she says.

I lift my head up off the couch and look at her. "I'll find you another one."

"Thanks," Emma says. "Well, I should, uh, go. There's school tomorrow and I haven't finished my homework yet. I'll see you later." She hurries out of the room.

"What was that about?" I ask Lilly, who looks up at me.

She shrugs. "Not a clue. Don't get me wrong, Emma is one of my best friends, but she's kind of weird sometimes."

There's a silence before I speak again.



"Can we dance? It might be a while before I get to again," I say.

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