The Mikealson's

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Time jump:

Alex sat in Elijah's office with a book in her lap. The pages and edges were well worn. Elijah and his brothers were currently out dealing with some witch problem in the quarters. Alex took this moment to revise her life. For the past week, she has been living with Elijah and his siblings. Thanks to Freya, they were able to keep track of Micheal's movements. At the moment he was no where near New Orleans, which was a huge peace of mind for her. Either way, Freya had done a cloaking spell over her and her child, preventing anyone other than Elijah to find her. Speaking of Elijah, that man was a saint. A blood sucking saint. Every since she stopped trying to take a bite out of him, they became much closer. Something that seemed to be bugging a lot of people. They haven't officially announced their dating, but people weren't stupid to see the affection they gave each other. Aside from Elijah, Alex had become very close to Rebekah and Klaus. The three of them were not far from each other, where one was the other was not far behind.

"I swear you are like the female version of Elijah." Rebekah pulled a face at seeing her with the book in hand.

Alex chuckled, tossing the book at her feet. "Nothing else to do. You guys have no tv. Elijah and Klaus are off fighting witches and you were out with Marcellus."

"Marcellus?" Rebekah quirked a brow. "You are spending too much time with Elijah."

"Not enough." Alex mumbled.

Rebekah rolled her eyes, falling onto the couch with a loud sigh. "Alright, well you are going to help me with the party."

"Party?" Alex sat up, a worry look appearing on her face. "What party?"

"Your welcome to the Mikaleson family." Rebekah said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Elijah and Klaus want to announce it to every clan and supernatural. Make sure they know you are under his protection."

Alex frowned. She wasn't sure how she felt by this. Getting shown to everyone like an object. "Who is going to be there?"

"The witches, vampires, wolves and a few humans." Rebekah replied. "Relax little wolfy, Elijah will not let anything happen to you."

Alex couldn't help, but roll her eyes. "Yeah. So, you need my help with what?"

"Everything." Jumping to her feet, she grabbed Alex's arm and hauled her out of the house.

Time jump:

Alex stood facing the mirror, as she attempted to zip up her dress. Why did she buy a back zipper. Giving up on able to do it herself, she took in three breaths before whispering. "Elijah?" Said vampire appeared at her doors, knocking softly. "It's open."

Elijah pushed the door open, giving her a gentle smile. "You called?"

"Yes, I am sorry to bother you, but could you?" She gestured at her dress with a defeated look. "Please."

"Of course." Closing the door behind him, he stood behind her. With little to no effort, he zipped the dress up, yet instead of walking away, his hands landed on her hips. Elijah could hear her heart speeding up. He couldn't help, but feel a certain pride in being the one to cause her such reaction. Catching her eyes in the mirror, he leaned forward grazing her ear with his teeth. "You look absolutely stunning."

Alex shivered with delight, as his breath ghost down her neck. "Thank you." Leaning back into his chest, closing her eyes, she inhaled. His scent invading everyone of her senses. "God I love the way you smell." Her eyes widen at hearing him chuckle. "Did I say that out loud?"

Elijah chuckled. "Yes, you did." Seeing her flush, he moved his arms to wrap around her abdomen. "I am glad my scent appeals to you. As yours does to me." Leaning forward, he pressed a small kiss just underneath her ear. "Such delicacy." Looking up, Elijah locked eyes with her across the mirror. "Are you ready?"

Alex sighed, leaning further into him. "I don't know really. I am nervous and scared at the same time."

"You have nothing to fear darling. My siblings and I will be with you at all times." Lowering his hand slightly, he splayed it over her baby bump. "Nothing will happen to either of you."

"I have been thinking about names." Alex whispered.

"Oh? What have you had in mind?"

Alex shrugged, placing her hand over his. "I have a few names picked out." Pausing for a moment, she entwined their hands, smiling softly. "Jessica. Alma. Jennifer and Kelly." Looking up at him through the mirror, she laughed at the face he pulled. "What? You don't like them?"

Elijah chuckled. "No, no, they are fine."

Turning around in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his waist and glanced up at him. "Alright then, what did you have in mind?"


Alex quirked a brow. "Samantha. Sam for short. I like it."

Elijah chuckled, cupping her jaw in a gentle grip. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"If I were to kiss you right now, would you accept it? Or slap me?"

Alex was a bit taken back by his question. Yet she couldn't help, but admit she has been dying to kiss him. "Why don't you try and find out?"

With a sly smirk, Elijah leaned forward, brushing his lips with her softly. Testing the waters, reading her reaction towards him. Feeling her arms slide up his chest and around his neck, he pulled her closer. Running his tongue over her lower lip, he deepen the kiss at the first chance he got. Exploring every inch of her mouth, he couldn't help, but notice how wonderful she tasted. Feeling her gently push him back, he released her with a low growl.

"Wow." Alex gasped, trying to regain some control over herself.

Pecking her lips once more, he sighed. "Like I said, such delicacy." Of course, before he could have another taste, his brother had to interrupt.

"Elijah!" Klaus's voice boomed from the court yard.

Elijah restrained from rolling his eyes. "Sometimes little brothers can be a nuisances."

"I heard that!" Klaus yelled.

"What is it Niklaus?" Elijah asked, yet he spoke as if he was in the same room.

"Well, if you are done groping and swapping saliva with our dear wolf, would you mind coming down here for a moment." Klaus asked. "We need to talk somethings over, before the guest start to arrive."

"I will be down in a moment." Elijah growled. Which only caused Klaus to laugh. "Finish getting ready, I will come get you when it is time."

"Okay." Giving him one more kiss, she turned her attention back to the mirror, her hands running over her belly. "Samantha. My little Samantha."

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