She's What?!

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'Mom? Mom wake up!' Samantha whimpered nudging her mother. 'Please wake up!' Tugging at her ear, she began panicking at not getting any response. Samantha looked around for anything or anyone that might help, then back at her mother with a hopeless look. Then it clicked. 'I am going to get you some help.' She took off as fast as her small legs would take her. Running back towards the place that smelled like home, she hoped their offer to help was still up for the taking. Reaching the house she came to a skidding stop at the stairs and howled. She was shocked when even more people rushed out the house, but no sign of Jacob. She crouched down into a ball as they towered over her. 'Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas.'

A man with golden hair and equal golden eyes made his way towards her, pausing at the tremble she gave. "Edward will you translate for me?" The taller man nodded. "Where is her mother?"

'She's in the forest. She fell and now she won't wake up!'

"It's the pup from before." Edward stated. "Her mother fell and won't get up."

Carlisle nodded stopping in front of her, he lowered himself to a crouch. "Edward, Bella and Rosaline come with me. Alice gets some clothes the two of them can use. Emmet and Jasper get the guest room prepare and have everything ready for me." Carlisle ordered his eyes never leaving the shaking pup. His eyes scanned over her body in search of any injuries. "My name is Carlisle; can you take me to your mother?"

Samantha growled. 'How do I know you won't hurt her?'

"He won't hurt her." Edward answered. "He is a doctor here in Forks. He's the only that can help her."

Samantha didn't have time to debate so gave a slight nod before rushing back into the woods with four vampires on her tail. Following her mother's scent, she whimpered at realizing how faint it was getting. 'Hurry!'

"We need to hurry." Edward called out to the others. He had picked up on the panic in her voice.

Samantha yelped at suddenly being picked up. Looking up she realized she was in the arms of Carlisle. Facing forward she couldn't help but enjoy the breeze hitting her face. They were moving much quicker. 'Left!'

"Left!" Edward repeated.

'Just ahead.' Samantha yelped.

Edward slowed his pace, causing the other to do the same. Carlisle inhaled releasing an unnecessary shaky breath. The scent was divine, a mixture of lavender and nature calling out to him. Unknowingly he followed it, which lead him straight to the she-wolf. Clearing his head, Carlisle placed Samantha on the ground as he kneeled by the white wolf. Running his hands over her body, he tilted his head to the side trying to pick up on the heart beat. His eyes landed on the pup, softening at seeing her shaking in a ball.

"Bella would you mind grabbing her, she is shaking." Carlisle's his voice gentle as always.

Bella nodded picking the pup up off the wet ground. At first Samantha squirmed and growled trying to be closer to her mother, but the gentleness of Rosalie's hands soothed her down. Still, her eyes remained fixated on Carlisle, growling every time he neared her mother's wound.

"I won't hurt her, but I need to take her back to the house. I need to get that bullet out." Carlisle explained.

Samantha nodded squeaking when she was suddenly handed over and enrobed in cold yet gentle arms. Looking up she was stunned by the beauty of the blonde holding her. 'Wow.'

Edward chuckled at the thought running through the pups head. Reaching over he stroked Samantha's back. "She likes you Rose."

Rose smiled scratching her under the chin. "She's very pretty."

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