𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 - 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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conversation between harvey and amber
normal - harvey
bold - amber
italicized - real life


amber had just woken up from a nap she just had. she felt restless due to the recent argument her parents had again just last night.

she was quick to accept the call, greeting him with her sleepy voice.

incoming facetime call from HARVester🦕
[ accept | decline ]

"hey harvey"

"aww cute
hi did i wake you up?"

"no no no
it felt really hot so i
got annoyed and woke up"

"hmm so
how are you amber?"

"harvey we've been talking
for a while
no need for small talk"

"right right
but seriously how are you?"

"im fine harvey"

she didnt bother telling him that his parents were once again arguing. she didnt want him to pity her.


"yes really
anyways how about you?
hows my ugly duckling?"

"stop calling me that oh my god
your ugly duckling is becoming a handsome
duckling and he is fine"

"thats good"

"sooo when are we meeting?"

but it depends on when you're free
cuz ya know, you're mister famous"

"im free next saturday
how about you?"

amber felt a bit nervous since that means she has exactly 7 days before she meets him. she wanted to give a good first impression to the guy, but besides that she was extremely happy as well.

"im always free mills
and even if im not
im going to free my sched for you"

"damn you make my heart flutter"

he wasn't lying. he knew she makes his heart flutter.

"no shit i know"

"wow ur annoying"

"nah you love me"

"nah you're probably right"

he felt like lowkey telling her how he felt. but he knew she might never feel the same way.

"oh of course i am boo"

"anyways im just going to meet you at the train station here?
then we can eat at nandos as promised"


"yes sweetie i will"

harvey found her very cute and adorable when she was excited. he adores the way he could see her eyes glimmer when she's ecstatic about something.


"now can i be your favorite?"

"you've always been dumbass
but dont tell max that oops"

and once again, his heart was all over the place. he tried his best to hide his cheeks that were now a tint of red.

good good"


"awww you still sleepy?"

"i guess so. kinda"

"did you get enough sleep last night?"

"not really harvs"

"why's that?"

"just couldnt sleep in general"

if you say so
but hey go back to sleep
i'll talk to you soon?"

"hmm of course"

"alright love sweet dreams"

she felt butterflies with the nickname he said. she didn't really know if she had a chance with harvey. since she is technically a fan, but she knew she was willing to wait for him.

"thank you"

their call ended. it wasn't as long as the other calls they had, but amber found herself thinking of how exciting it was to meet harvey before she feel asleep fully once again.

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