𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 - 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫// 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐲

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SHE WAS patiently waiting for her train to arrive since she was on her way to stay over with the boys for a week. amber could feel her nervousness kick in. this was the first time she will actually be meeting the entire mills's family, and just like the first time she met the twins, she wants to put a good first impression.

the train soon arrived and amber took a seat near the window. will they like me for harvey? will they think im good enough for him? will they treat me differently? so much thoughts started to take over amber's mind and she could feel having a literal headache because of it. at times like these, amber really did have the tendency to overthink. but her thoughts were interrupted when her phone decided to ring.

she looked at the caller id to see that harvey was the one calling her. she quickly picked up the call and was greeted with a very cheerful harvey. "hiiiii loveeee!" harvey said making sure to say the words longer for emphasis. "hi babe whats up?" amber chuckled at her boyfriend that was now sounding like a five year old. "i just came to call and say im excited for you to meet the fam— oh and that me and max will be waiting for you at the station!"

"awhh cant wait to see you and meet the infamous mills family!" she replied. amber was indeed excited but she tried to hide her nervousness from showing so that harvey wouldnt need to worry about her.

"how long until you get here?" harvey whined. "i just left around 10 minutes ago so pretty much around an hour" harvey groaned causing the girl to laugh at his clinginess. "babe dont worry, i'll be there in no time."

"you better!" he joked. "alright baby imma talk to you soon! love youuu!"

"bye harvey see you soon! love you too!" amber replied and soon ended the call.

she looked out of the window once again and thought to herself holy shit this is really happening! since she couldn't believe it. she was dating THE harvey mills. the boy she's been fangirling with ever since she was 13. any girl would kill to be in her place, but somehow he chose her.

around an hour has passed and she was now preparing to leave the train when nostalgic vibes came rushing towards her, reminding her of the first time she met the twins in person.

she stepped out and soon started to scan for the twins she most dearly loved. when she had spotted them she quickly screamed "MAX! HARVEY!" and soon, two pairs of arms came wrapping around her waist and in a tight, comforting hug.

"hi amber! i missed you!" max was quick to say and break apart from the hug as he ruffled her hair like he did the last time. "right back at you maxeroo!" amber replied causing the younger twin to give a chuckle in reply.

"hellloooo i missed you! did you miss me? please tell me you did because i missed you!" harvey said as he still kept his hold on her. "aww baby yes i did miss you! extra clingy today i see?" she said as she kossed the top of his head. "yes. very extremely super extra clingy today!" harvey let go of her and smiled widely like a kid.

max took amber's things and carried it all the way to the car. "wait who's driving?" amber asked. "mum!!" max replied excitedly.

she now felt nervous since she will be meeting sara soon. the three teens walked to where the car was parked and amber started to nervously bite her lips, which harvey noticed by the way. "babe calm down. they'll love you!" he said as he kissed the back of her hand. she nodded her head in reply and they soon reached the car and was greeted by a smiling sara.

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