𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 - 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

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[a/n: AHHHHH THE LONG AWAITED CHAPTER! anyways this will be a long one so sit back and relax:> enjoy!! ]


TODAY'S THE DAY! today's the day amber meets the twins. today's the day she meets harvey. amber sprung out of bed right away and went straight to her bathroom for a bath. afterwards, she put on some clothes. her outfit was just a simple white shirt (which she folded the sleeves a bit), her favorite pair of black leggings, her checkered vans and finally she threw over her favorite grey champion hoodie. pretty basic but fuck it. she thought. she wanted to feel comfortable yet cute at the same time.

she didnt bother to eat breakfast since she'll be eating with the boys. amber grabbed her purse checking if she had her money, phone and other small essentials she needed before going out the front door with her holding daisy and daisy's leash on her right hand.

her parents were out early as usual due to work, and she told them she had plans for today. she was now walking daisy to her neighbor's house, mrs. ricco, who will be taking care of daisy when she's gone. "bye girl. i'll see you soon." she patted her dog as mrs. ricco gave her a wave.

she was now off to the train station and it takes about an hour (a/n: honestly idk:/ ) before she'll get there and it was currently 7:45 am. amber decided to text harvey that she was already on her way earning a simple 'cant wait to see you. me and max will fetch you💗reply from the boy that caused her cheeks to blush.

the whole hour of a ride felt like years to her. but soon enough, the train was about to reach the stop. she felt her knees start to weaken and bounce up and down. also her hands started to become all sweaty. calm down amber. just act normal. she tried to calm herself down. which actually sort of helped.

everyone was now pushing their way out of the train. deep breathes amber. deep breathes. she said to herself as she slowly walks out. she started to look for the twins closely. and a few seconds later she heard someone scream "AMBER!"

she turned around only to find max and HARVEY looking back at her with huge smiles.

harvey was quick with his actions and ran straight to her and engulfing her in a tight hug leaving max behind.

amber did not hesitate to hug the tall yet skinny boy. her arms wrapped around his waist, and his around her neck. both teens were smiling from ear to ear. hugging each other so tight as if they didn't plan on letting go. she could feel harvey's heart beating.

and it was beating fast.

he smelt like those high quality perfumes for rich guys. it wasnt a strong scent and she secretly loved it. neither of them were saying anything. they were just there standing and hugging.

both just feeling the moment.

the two teens heard a camera click but they didn't bother to break apart knowing that it was just max being all annoying.

"ehem. can i have my hug from amber now?" max said playfully tapping his foot causing the two teens to break apart and blush.

"AMBER OH MY GOD HIII" max said as he hugged her as equally tight as harvey. "MAXXXXYYY" she said.

"i can't believe you're actually here." harvey said as he hugged her again. "i cant believe it too ugly duckling." amber replied causing max to chuckle and harvey pulling away. "i was kinda expecting you to be kinder to me in person but i guess not." he replied jokingly.

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