Chapter 1- Mia Gibson

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"My name is Mia Gibson I have always lived in London. I am 16 years old. My parents names are Chloe and Harold Gibson. And I have a very normal life" I said

So I guess you are wondering what is going on, well I have just started my sophomore year at my school, Sheerfeild High School (A/N: okay so i just made up that school, and if it is a real school then that is really cool). I was introducing myself to the class, which was kinda weird because everyone knows me. But we got a new History teacher, so i guess she is trying to get to know us.

I have brown eyes and long brown hair and fair skin colour. I am A and B student, but that doesnt mean I'm not a little bit naugthy. I'm naughty, secretive and quiet, I would do naughty things but no one would know besides me and my friends.

"Um... My name is Jessica Benor,but most people call Jess. I..." The girl went on about herself but I kinda zoned out, I always do that. "Mia, Mia! Miss Gibson!?" I heard a voice, I snapped out of my daydreaming mode. "What?" I said sounding a little stupid, most of the class giggled as I took note of the person standing in front of me, it was my teacher. "Please, Mia pay attention" Miss Willsin said, "Yes, sorry ma'am" I said, glaring at the class in my 'I am going to get you back' look

"Okay class..." she started talking again. The whole lesson was boring as hell, lucky it was lunch now. I walked into the cafeteria with my heavy bag hanging on my shoulder, as i made my way to my regular table. I through my bag but instead it flew off the table, "How did you do that is you are so heavy?" i asked my bag i picked it up and put it on the table. Okay so I sit at a table in the corner so I lied against the wall. All of a sudden i am pushed of the bench and found myself on the ground.

"What the-" I said and got up to see my best friend, " What the heck, Jamie!?" I shouted at her and she just giggled at me. "What it's Monday and you know what that means" she said, Jamie and I decided to come up with weird things for each day to make school more interesting, and Monday is the day we get to push each other for no apparent reason. We would always get strange looks but we didnt really care, unlike some people we wanted to make school fun. "Sorry, I forgot about that, but remember I will get you back" "We'll see about that" she said smirking. "Anyway how is sophomore so far?" she asked tying long ginger hair into a ponytail. She also has brown eyes like me. "Kinda sucky, and we got a new History teacher. She caught me daydreaming" i told Jamie she just laughed at me she knew i always daydreamed so she found this really funny. After she calmed down from her laughter " What about you?" i asked with a smirk. "Good" she replied simply, "Good. Good? No over exaggerating about things, no 'I like this guy'. What have you done with my friend?" I asked "Nothing" she said giggling "And nothing really interesting happened that i can comment on." "Okay, but i am watching you" and she just laughed at me.

Finally it was after school, and I was packing my books back in my locker. I shut the door and saw Jamie standing there, "Aaahh!" i screamed making Jamie and a few other people jump and I got a few looks like 'what the hell is wrong with you' and 'WTF', while Jamie just laughed at me. "What the fuck, Jamie are you trying to scare the shit out of me?" I asked " Maybe" she giggled. "Come on" she giggled and linked our arms and we walked out the door of the school.

"BOOM! CLAP! SOUND OF MY HEART, THE BEAT GOES ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND BOOM! CLAP! MAKE ME FEEL GOOD COME ON TO ME, COME ON TO ME, NOW" Me and Jamie sang or screamed and very badly. People looked at us like we were mad and belong at a mental instatution. We just laughed it off. Jamie and I were walking home but stopped at our favourite place... Starbucks. "We're here!" we screamed into Starbucks, again we got strange looks and the cashier just laughed at us as we walked up to the counter. "Hi Jimmy" Jamie and I chorused at the same time "Hi girls" he said. Me and Jamie have came here everyday so basically we are Starbucks regulars, and we got to know everyone there. Jimmy is a friend of ours he is 20 years old but looks 17, he has light brown hair and green eyes, and is a bit taller than me and Jamie.

"So you helping today?" he asked us. We help out at Starbucks for about 1-2 hours for some money. We always made it fun at the cafe, and Jimmy liked it. "Yeah, but not long we got homework to do" Jamie said making me moan. "Well then better get started girls" "Yes boss" we sang and he chuckled we got two aprons and started working.

It was 20 minutes later and one of my favourite songs were play, "Jamie!" I screamed with a huge grin on my face, she just snickered at me. Then I started sing with The Vamps "Put you hands up, your surronded. The whole love thing, I clowned it. Who's the joker guess I'm it. 'Cause i let it right go when I found it..." i sang while clearing a few tables and serving people. The people either laughed or took a video of me, then Jamie started to sing with me. "I turn my radio up and it's just my luck, why-y-y-y-y-y-eh me? I turn the TV on it's the same old song, why are you following me. It's like a 'missing you' sign is written on my face, why-y-y-y-y-y-eh. It's like everybody knows cause everywhere I go, the whole world is singing to me." Then all of a sudden half of Starbucks was singing with. Once the song was done we had to get home, so we walked up to the counter and got our usual. "Here you go ladies 2 hot chocolates, 1 butter croissant and 1 chocolate croissant" he said, wegave him the money and told him to keep the change. "Thanks Jimmy!" we screamed and walked out the door.

"Home sweet home" I said as I entered my house with a half eaten croissant and empty Starbucks cup. I walked Jamie home,we live in the same street so it wasn't that long before I got home. I walked into the kitchen and found a note


We went shopping we might take long, there is some pasta in the fridge if you get hungry. And we promise to get you something

love mom and dad

I sighed and walked up the stairs to my room laid down on my bed, smiled to myself and jumped up again walked over to my laptop which was on my desk. I log on and put my music, put it loud then pressed shuffled, then "Pretend it's ok by Little Mix' came on I started sing with

What would you do?

What would you say?

How does it feel, pretend it's ok

My eyes decieve, but it's still the same

Pretend it's ok

After a few song I turned the music down and laid down on my bed and fell asleep to the soft music that was still playing

A/N: Okay that is my story, my first one anyway. Hope you liked the first chapter, I hope it wasn't to suck-ish. Was it bad? It felt bad to me, anyway my chapters might be really long sometime, and i might not update a lot so please forgive me. Please tell me what you think and if i should continue or not, please I would really appriciate it. Thanks

xx Bookworm xx

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