Chapter 10

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Josh was gone when Olivia awoke at eight that morning. She'd missed him at first, wondering why he had to leave so early but when she heard Consuelo helping Bella get dressed in the nursery, Olivia realized it was for the best. At least for now.

She didn't want to surprise anyone with the knowledge of what had happened, least of all her daughter. Even though Bella was only two years old, there were still certain things that needed to be introduced slowly to a child. She loved her uncle dearly but Olivia wasn't so sure about Bella seeing Josh in her bed just yet. Maybe one day.

But there was no denying it. Her two-plus-years of drought was officially over. Sure, she'd dated a few men here and there, but with Josh around all the time after Sebastian died, it felt strange always going back to him even if they were only friends.

Olivia slipped on her robe and went to Bella's room, showering her daughter with hugs and kisses like she always did first thing in the morning. Sometimes, when Consuelo was tidying up the toys, Bella would walk into her bedroom and climb into bed with her, something that would have been quite a shock for everyone if she'd seen Josh still sleeping next to Olivia. No, it was better that Josh was gone, Olivia thought. One day, Bella would get used to seeing Josh, not as an uncle, but maybe–just maybe, as her stepfather.

For crying out loud, you've only slept with him once and you're already thinking of getting married! 

Olivia hated feeling so hopeful but after last night, Josh had awoken those old feelings in her, the ones that got crushed when he chose to accompany Erik on a deep-sea fishing trip after their parents' death instead of flying to New York to comfort her. It was silly then to think of him as her friend more than Erik's but grief did strange things to people, and to Olivia, it led her to seek comfort in an Italian race car driver's arms.

Olivia sighed, forcing herself back to the present as Bella was determined to taste a lock of her mother's hair. She made faces at Bella as she picked out what her daughter was going to wear for the day. It amazed her how fast babies grew to be toddlers, and toddlers like Bella were bound to turn into little girls in a blink of an eye. Just then, she thought of Sebastian and how he would have laughed at the sight of his little Bella in her frilly dresses.

Olivia's chest tightened, the thought of her late husband coming back to her as she gazed at their little girl who inherited her father's dark eyes and beaming smile. She'd never know her real father except for pictures in a photo album–and if she were to stumble upon it by accident when she grew older, through some awful video online that caught the exact moment when Sebastian died, hit from behind by another driver who'd lost control of his own car on the track. Was that the reason why Josh never made the first move then, Olivia wondered as she dressed Bella in a pink polka dot dress, because once upon a time, she loved someone else?

With her daughter in her arms, Olivia made her way downstairs, the smell of coffee and eggs leading her into the dining room.

"Good morning, my buttercups," Josh said, as he broke an egg over a sizzling frying pan. Josh was wearing a white shirt and jeans, his feet bare. Olivia stared at him, shocked to see another person in her kitchen.

Her kitchen.

"Is everything okay?" Josh asked, frowning when he saw her expression, a cup of coffee in his hand and a spatula in the other. "Am I not supposed to be in your kitchen? I understand how some people can be quite picky about such things. And I think Erik did say something about that."

"Oh, stop it, Josh. I thought you'd still be asleep," Olivia stammered, settling Bella in her booster chair. "You were... erm... up quite late."

"I was, wasn't I?" Josh said as he cooked the eggs, moving the pan over the fire like a seasoned chef. Olivia could feel herself turn red as she saw him wink at her.

"Aren't you tired?"

"I am. But actually, I got hungry at around seven or so. Turns out, I got used to room service over at the inn and I had to remedy that immediately," he said sheepishly. "I hope you don't mind. I figured I might as well surprise you." He paused, eyeing her playfully. "You must be tired."

Olivia blushed again as his gaze drifted down the V of her robe. Then she giggled as Josh took a deep breath, exhaled and muttered, Focus, dude, before flipping the fried egg expertly on the pan.

Show off.

"Since when did you know how to fry an egg?" Olivia teased, biting into a strip of turkey bacon.

"Since I watched a video online on how to fry an egg so many different ways. Apparently, I was doing it wrong all this time. I'm supposed to add butter to the olive oil. Can you imagine that?" Josh said, sliding a perfectly fried egg on her plate. "There's some hash browns, too."

"And did you learn how to make that online as well?"

"No, that was courtesy of your freezer," Josh said, his turn to turn red as he served her some hash browns to go with the eggs and bacon. Then he proceeded to core an apple before Consuelo arrived and kicked him out of the kitchen so she could prepare breakfast for Bella. Even though Olivia wasn't as territorial about her kitchen, Consuelo, who managed both Erik and Olivia's houses, was definitely particular about who was with her in the kitchen, especially when she was on the clock.

As Consuelo puttered all around the kitchen and the dining room, sneaking looks at Olivia and Josh gathered around the table with Bella between them feeding herself cereal and apple slices, breakfast was rather uneventful. After being so nervous to eat anything substantial for dinner the night before–only to hear Josh's message that he'd be running late because of a meeting–Olivia was starving by the time she sat down.

It was one of the things about Josh that she had to accept, that he had a social life that included former co-workers like Bernard Trott, his lieutenant. She didn't particularly like Bernie, not after asking he went around the neighborhood asking questions that hinted at Josh being as dirty as his partner. It didn't matter that Bernie assured her that he was only following protocol. After all, Josh was always seen at her house and Erik's. Besides, he'd added that it was best to get used to those kinds of questions because not everyone would be as nice.

And he was right, for the press sure weren't kind. They accused Josh of being dirty, and when it was proven that he wasn't involved, they accused him of being greedy for remuneration. It didn't matter to them that the man almost died. He'd coded on the table twice and all the press could talk about was the missing cocaine worth a few million dollars worth. They were convinced that Josh had to have hidden it somewhere.

Bernard's visits had been one of the things that Olivia had wanted to talk to Josh about when she went up to Ojai with Erik two months earlier. But she never got around to talking to him for he pushed her away, calling her names no woman should ever be called and demanding she leave.

The shooting and the press coverage that came with it made her best friend a stranger to her. But last night, she saw the old Josh that she'd always known; only this time he came to her with his soul completely open and vulnerable. She couldn't help but feel that there was still something he was hiding. She could feel it. But as she watched him pretending to be a dinosaur about to munch on an apple slice and Bella laughing with unbridled glee, there was also something she couldn't deny.

Josh was finally home, and no matter what was bubbling beneath the surface–the stuff he couldn't tell her–everything was going to be alright.

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