Untitled Part 1

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Being with Connor wasn't exactly easy but you accepted that when your relationship with him progressed further than the norms of friendship. A romantic relationship between humans and androids were still quite fuzzy. Some accepted this reality, others did not take kindly to it. However, you took the optimist viewpoint and saw the glass half-full. Nothing mattered, you had Connor and he made you feel alive; just like you made him feel alive.

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon during the 'no technology' restriction period you placed on yourselves; mostly you. Connor made the argument that he is technically considered 'part technology' so, in order to fulfill your wish, he'd have to leave the room, or place himself on lower power mode. A wave of your hand and a feigned exasperated sigh left your lips as you explained how you meant it as entertainment devices such as iPads, iPhones, the television...

After a few moments of explaining this and patiently waiting for him to grasp the concept of your idea, he agreed to it – even placing his own limitations on himself (such as not downloading data, etc. to help in social situations with you).

Which lead to a slightly awkward moment during one of your 'no technology' afternoons. You had been curled up on the couch, reading a book when your eyes skimmed the words of a particular scene and suddenly an idea formed from it. Connor was sitting at the opposite end of the couch, absentmindedly massaging your feet when your sudden request pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Tickle me."

The ministrations to your feet stopped and a slightly quizzical expression turned to face you. "I beg your pardon?"

"Tickle me." You repeated, placing your book down on the coffee table (spine up so you don't lose your page, and to also avoid dog-earing the page. A pet peeve you had).

"Tickle you?"

"Yeah. You know? Like..." sitting up, you leaned over and made quick dancing fingers over at him in a mock demonstration.

"I'm afraid I don't understand the concept. What would it achieve? Does it please humans?"

A gentle sigh escaped your lips as you realised you had to explain it to Connor; bless him for keeping to the goal of limiting himself from 'technology usage'. Otherwise he would have quickly downloaded the information and they wouldn't be in this awkward situation.

"It doesn't 'achieve' anything important except, well, fun. It's just a fun, silly thing to do. A memory of having a good time to look back on. You know?"

No, Connor didn't really know... but the blue flickering of his LED light was proof enough that he was trying to understand. Nevertheless, like the dutiful boyfriend he was, he obliged your request.

"Alright...like this?" He questioned as he reached over and lightly mimicked your actions. Grin forming on your face, you immediately began to squirm and a small yelp slipped out. Taking it as though he hurt you, he immediately pulled his hands away and the calm blue of his LED flickered to Yellow, hints of red flickering every so often. Trouble washed over those beautiful curious but kind brown eyes of his.
"I'm sorry Y/N. Did I hurt you?"

"No, no! It tickled! This is what tickling is, Connor. I'm very ticklish... Try again?"
He looked hesitant for a moment but when brown eyes took in your features, he could see you weren't hurt in the slightest. A slight nod to confirm, he advanced towards you and experimental hands immediately found your most ticklish spot.

Your head tilted back and the most genuine sound of laughter filtered through the air.

Again, Connor's hands yanked back and his LED spun to yellow, this time he moved away from you, placing a small distance between you. Something unfamiliar washed over him and he wasn't quite sure how to process it properly without breaking the rule you had set out for the Sunday afternoons.

You immediately sat up, features falling from the carefree laughter you had embraced only moments ago. "Connor? What is it?" The violently whirring yellow of his LED didn't go unnoticed, and you placed a hand on his arm in an attempt to try to calm and ground him. "Con? Hey. Talk to me. You look... I don't know...you look sick?" No, wait, android's don't get sick... "Flustered." You quickly correct yourself.

"I...Does tickling always cause you to make that sound?"

Your brows creased even further because not only was Connor looking utterly confused, he also wasn't making much sense with the question. "Uh, yeah? Why?"

"I...I like it. The sound of your laughter, I mean. It's...It's nice."
You finally realised the blue tinge to his cheeks wasn't flushed from being 'sick', he was blushing!

"Um...thank you, I guess?" your voice hitched a note higher than usual. The compliment was sweet, of course. But no one's ever complimented you on your laughter before. It felt odd... but seeing Connor being so openly vulnerable with his sensitivity (or would it be referred to as deviancy? Who knows), you found it rather endearing.

Well, this afternoon certainly wasn't going the way you expected it to.



"Do you remember when you asked me what happiness meant to me?"


"I think I can finally answer it. Happiness is ... you. Your smile. Your laughter. I feel elated... my levels increase, not dangerously, but they decrease any negative feelings I may harbour at that point. Does that make sense?"

Your hand never left his arm, your E/C orbs taking in his flushed features, deciding that he looked beautiful like this despite how much trouble he has processing certain emotions he didn't quite understand.

but the other hand came up and gripped the collar of the shirt he was wearing, pulling him slightly down to you. Tilting your face up slightly, your lips brushed against his, "Makes perfect sense babe." You murmured before pressing your lips firmly against his. You swore you felt the breath escape his own lips before he responded to the kiss. His own lips matching the dancing rhythm of your own.

You felt his arm move and your hand instinctively came up to rest on his shoulder while he looped his arm behind you, lowering you back down onto the couch. You hummed in response, your own eyes fluttering closed, but not before spying his LED light now spinning back to the calm blue.

Settled against the back of the couch, your arms snaked around Connor's neck, delighting yourself in feeling his solid build leaning slightly against you (enough to relish in his weight, but not enough to crush you). You were about to deepen the kiss when Connor's hands ghosted their way over your frame before resting on their final spot; your tickle spot!

Lips tore from his and you shrieked out his name! He had clearly calculated this! Using your weakness (his kisses) to his advantage before trapping you beneath him and voila! The stealthy detective makes his move.

Between your fits of giggles (which was absolute music to his ears), you managed to capture glimpses of his own smile, which reached his twinkling eyes. Was that a hint of mischievousness you caught shimmering in those brown orbs of his?

Oh no.
You released a monster.
A tickle monster!

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