'Drama is over'

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(Piper POV)

What happened almost year ago is over. All the parents that were involved last year's squad. All the drama is behind everything. Both squads has got to together as one squad. It's just awkward for a few of us. Some of us used to have crushes on each other and dated each other before. All of us are getting used to it.

"Piper? Are you alright?" Sophie asked before sitting on my bed. "Yeah. It's just that I'm getting used to what has happened the last few weeks" I said while I tied my shoe.

"How are you and Jentzen?" I asked Sophie while her and I go downstairs to the living room. "Alright I guess. It's just I'm not feeling what I used to since he has hanging with Walker and Indi more" Sophie said when we were sitting at the couch.

"He will come around. So, how was the weekend with Hayden, Sawyer, Corinne, and Gavin. Since I wasn't there?" I asked Sophie since I wasn't really to face Gavin again.

"Oh. He didn't come either. Corinne said that he wasn't feeling it and hanging out Coco." Sophie said.

"Oh. Hanging out with Coco. That's just great" I mumbled.

"Piper are you okay? By the way are you and Lev dating?" Sophie asked about Lev and it didn't bring my attention. "Gavin is here" Sophie said it brought my attention.

"Wait? Gavin is here? Since when?" I ask Sophie. "Wow! You ask to many questions. I only said that because you weren't paying attention." Sophie said.

"Like I was saying, are you and Lev dating?" Sophie asked with curiosity. "The thing is that we-" I said but I was cut off by my mom. "Do you guys want to go to Starbucks?" My Mom asks.

"Yeah we would love too! Come on Piper, let's go" Sophie said dragging me to the car. "Sophie just tell me the truth about you and Jentzen" I said.

"Piper.. fine I will tell you. I don't know if I like him anymore. I might like someone else but he is getting shipped with someone and you shipped them. If you think about it with that boy we would have the same ship name" Sophie confessed and then if we arrived to Starbucks. We walked into Starbucks.

"Who is it though?" I ask. "Look, I'm Jentzen. But you can't tell anyone. Promise?" Sophie said while we were waiting in the line and then it was our turn. "I promise" I said keeping my promise. 

"Hello, how may I help you today?" Barista asked Sophie and I. "Hi, I would like Strawberry Crème and I just want the regular size." I said to the barista. "And I would like to have the pink drink and I want it a small size." Sophie said to the barista. "Alright. You guys are number 336. It will be ready around 10 minutes" The Batista said.

"Alright. Let's wait." I said then I saw two certain people behind Sophie. "Umm.. Sophie?" I said her name to get her attention. "Yeah? What is it?" Sophie asked me. "Hayden and Gavin are behind you." I said.

"What?" Sophie said while she turned around and they saw us two!

'All Drama Gone' Sayden- Pavin- Windi-Sorrine.Where stories live. Discover now