Chapter 41

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.
(3rd POV)

All of them held there breath as they wait for the door to open.

As it slowly open there heart beat faster and faster as they were all excited to be able to meet Aether for the first time.

One could say it is a huge chance to bethe first one to know Aether true appearance.

Since he is said to be young anc it has been proven just a while ago.

Thanks to Kuznetsov men who have all been observing the while restaurant.

As they have immidietly sended the info to the higher  up and they all immidietly learn of it.

So it is a suprise to say the least since they are about to see him right now.

And who would not be for them to be able to meet Aether face to face.

Ks something that many have wanted to do for 3 years now.

And who would have thought after 3 years he would reveal himself now all of a sudden.

Which even Reinzel himself is very surprised to say the least.

As the door have fully open ll of them turn there gaze at the 20 year old man infront of them.

That is wearing a black trench coat that is not a bit surprise.

Considering it is very normal in Russia since the climate there is very cold.

And vet few could be even be used to wearing very light clothing.

Infront of the is a man no less than 20 years old as he has a blank look on his face right now.

His expression is unreadable to say the least which made him more mysterious even more.

As Y/N was looking at all of them his gaze fell upon the ma that is seating r the last row infront if him.

Y/N walk in along with Alicia and Emil who both saw the Russian president seating on his chair.

Along with other Russian government that are all seating to the sides both left and right.

They then wen towards them as Renzeil snap out of his trance.

And then greeted Y/N along with the other Russian government with him.

As they all stand up from there seat and look at Y/N.

Reinzil:it is nice to meet you at last President Aether.

Reinzil said with a smile as the others as well greeted him along with Y/N companion that are behind him.

Y/N: the same to you as well president Reinzil.

Y/N said as he stand on the middle table with Alicia beside him.

Reinzil: it is my first time seeing you and I was suprise that the rumors where true of being young.

Reinzil sahd with an impress lok on his face right now as he look at Y/N.

Y/N: I never had the chance to go and meet you for 3 years since I have been occupied for quiet a long time.

Y/N said as Reinzil just chuckle at this and then spoke back.

Reinzil: ah it is fine you only trying to do your job as a leader of your own company.

Reinzil said as he then gave them a friendly smile and say again.

Reinzil: please why don't we all seat down then.

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