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Jimin froze, his face darkening in anger. He jumped out at Jin, hands open to strangle the man. Jin easily caught it though, expecting the behavior, and quickly maneuvered him to the floor, kneeling at his feet.

"Don't you fucking speak." He hissed, keeping his hand at Jimin's neck, his fingers threatening to press into a pressure point.

Jimin stayed on the floor, eyes burning in anger and humiliation.

Jin looked to Wendy.

"This is Park. Park Jimin. Do not tell anyone of his identity, or he will kill you, in the most brutal way possible. He has a short leash on who knows about his true role, and he isn't kind to those who betray his trust."

Wendy looked to the man, who she previously knew as just a stripper.

"How do I believe you? You have him kneeling on the floor. No mafia leader would willingly do that."

"Jimin, here, is a diagnosed psychopath. He needs a emotional-output. That's where I come in. Otherwise, he gets violent."

Wendy looked at the obviously angry man, who looked barely out of high school. She was having a hard time believing this. As she looked over him, she saw a small tattoo, just barely a shade lighter than his skin tone, in the shape of an English 'P' and sighed. That was the mark of the Park family. Not even the Park Syndicate. The actual family had slightly different style.

"I see. I will not tell anyone of your secret."

Jimin slammed the front door of his house, and chucked his keys at the table by the door.

His mother peeled her head into the entryway, brows furrowed.

"How was your night, baby? Did you have fun performing?"

She knew Jimin was a stripper, and she remained supportive. She loved her son with everything.

"It was good. I saw my ex though. And I'm done taking my meds."

"What- Jimin you cant just stop taking your medications."

"Mom, I have an idea, just trust me."

She frowned, and was worried. But Jimin was a very smart boy.

"That being said, I'm gonna hang out with some friends tonight. I know it's already super late, but we haven't hung out in forever."

"That's fine, but I want a hug."

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