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Always a contact-lover.

He was currently attached to Jin's chest, close to dozing off.

Until now.

"Hey old man..."

"Fuck you."

"You already did. Anyways- can I kiss jackson?"

Jin furrowed his eyebrows, "Don't you go ruining my Jackson. I love him just as he is."

Jimin pushed himself up, "I know that, but can I kiss him?"

"I mean.. I don't have an issue with it, but if he doesn't want to, don't do it."

Rolling his eyes, Jimin nodded, "Of course."


Jimin looked over the paperwork Kyunghee gave him.

"So.. what this is saying.. is that someone wants to... marry me to join with us? Absolutely not. Who has the fuckkng.. audacity to do that? To say that? I ought to kill them right now."

"I know, kid... but I'm glad you're off your meds. The mafia almost fell apart. All the guys were asking about you."

Jimin nodded, "Yea.. it took me a while to fully see the differences, but I'm glad as fuck. I can't believe that happened to me. I'm in a killing mood, Kyunghee! Who wrote this letter!"


Jimin smiles, and gets up from the desk. His mom came in the door, holding a plate of snacks.

"Hi momma! I'm goin out for a bit. I should be back for dinner."


Jimin carved into Lee's chest, careful not to get any blood on himself. He was carving the Park symbol into his chest, as a reminder of what happens when you spite him. Of course, the man was dead, but this is for whoever finds him.

As he was finishing up, he heard talking. He backed into the shadows, and listened.

"Yea. I got Kim's new play toy. I wonder what happened to the old one?"

"He doesn't have a play toy, that's his husband."

"You don't know if it was arranged or not. But really.. his old play toy was fucking hot. Fat ass, curvy. God- I'd fuck him."

"Yea whatever. We need to talk to the husband for information. What's his name again?"

"Kim Jacks..."

That's all Jimin heard before they were out of earshot.

He saw red.

It had been a couple months since their new arrangement. Everything ran smoothly, and him and Jackson had an amazing relationship.

Jimin still hadn't kissed Jackson, but he Damn sure wanted to.

But they had him now?

Jin would be seeing red right now, but Jimin saw black.

The drugs he was on calmed his anger, but had stunted his nerves a bit. He felt emotions a bit stronger than he used to, which was already intense.

He followed the men, quickly catching up to them. Jimin kept quiet and out of view, waiting until they reached the room where Jackson was being held.

When they did, it was card-protected.


He slipped in behind them, and this time, he wasn't sure how they didn't notice him. Lee's 'mafia' was stupid.

The men faced Jackson, who looked scared. He had his hands duct taped behind his back, and tape over his mouth. There was a bruise blossoming on his temple.

Jimin pressed a finger to his lips, and motioned for the man to close his eyes. When he did, Jimin spoke up.

"So, boys~ what are we doing here?"

"What- What the fuck?" One yelled, pulling out his gun.

"See.. thing is, your little 'leader' sent a letter to me, asking to marry me. I took offense to that, and.. well it didn't end so well for him. And now, I hear you have taken my friend? I have a feeling you won't like what happens to people who hurt my friends."

The men raised their guns, but Jimin shot one before either could, and smiled, shooting the other in the ankle, effectively hitting his Achilles heel. A scream from him sounded, and a thump was heard as he hit the ground. One of them dead, the other in pain and would be transferred to Jin for effective punishment.

Jimin hurried to Jackson, and pulled him forward to pull the tape off his hands, and his mouth. Jackson opened his eyes, still looking scared.

"Don't worry, hun... I'll get you back to safety." Jimin smiled, and quickly pressed his lips to Jackson's. Only briefly though, and smiled shyly after, and pulled him to stand up.

Jackson had been pushing down his feelings. He had only been exposed to life where a relationship is two people only.

So when he felt as if he was getting feelings for his husbands fuck-buddy, he didn't reveal it. He felt like it would ruin the arrangement they had.

But when Jimin kissed him, his stomach flipped, in a good way.

He would have to talk to Jin about this.

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