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Kensi's POV

It's a sunny morning as it normally is is LA but today was different , I woke up happy and ready for today's work . Guess I had a good night sleep I though to myself "ha" I said aloud at how unusual that was .

I walk along the corridor and to my desk . Sam and callan were already there and having a conservation about their gym session "usual trying to compete with each other over the gym " I said to them in a joking manner . "morning kens " Callan and Sam said in unison I replied with "where's deeks?" To them .but they turned to each other and laughed . I gasped I was meant to pick him up and my phone rang it was deeks.

Deeks PoV
It was 8:30 and I was waiting at the coffee shop where I was meant to be getting kensi at 8, I know she's normally late but this was different , I called her thinking she forgot she was meant to be picking me up . "Where is she and her beautiful miss matched eyes and her brown curly,wavy hair " I repeated and repeated to myself the though put a smile on my face . I sat drinking my coffee and reading a dog booklet and shockingly I got a punch on my arm I grabbed my gun but never pulled it out to realise it was just kensi , "wow deeks a little jumpy I see " kensi said to me "well I was relaxed and not expecting an idiotic punch I though you were the cartel or something " I replied in a sarcastic tone .

Kensi's PoV

I punched deeks and he grabbed his gun "wow deeks a little jumpy I see " I said in a joking manner . I loved the way deeks would jump and get a fright it was one of his cute flaws but it's not much of a flaw it makes him irresistible .
At work we got called up on a case into OPS , sent away to a murder scene and it was different no one noticed the blood that said " NCIS agent fern " I was shocked that was my undercover name as a married woman to deeks . "deeks over here quickly" I shouted and he ran over and looked in surprise and confused . "Eric we have a problem there is a note saying NCIS agent fern it could be a reference to my undercover name from neighbourhood watch"

Deeks POV
Kensi's been made we think "NCIS agent fern" in blood on a rock in the garden away from the body , "what does it mean I know fern is her undercover name from neighbourhood watch when we were married "if only it was not a undercover mission and was in real life " I though ."but what's happening here " I thought to myself. Kensi needed some time away from the scene so she when across the road and a black van stopped beside her I grabbed my gun and ran over but I had it to my side. They only wanted to know what happened I snuck it away In relief I though she was in trouble. "What would I do without her in my life she makes me want to get up everyday ,she smells of sunshine and gunpowder two of my favourite things" I though to myself

Kensi's POV

"What happened here ?" A man in a black van asked with 3 men who were muscular and bald beside him " I can't give out that information unless your a relative " I said being bold and sharp and walked away back to the scene .

20 mins passed but it seemed like hours and LAPD had left but 2 Cops were in a car at the other side of the road but they were sleeping .
BANG BANG! I ran out and with my gun and the two police men were shot and deeks was captured by the men in the black van that came around before . "Federal agent drop your weapons " I shouted and that's all I can remember because it went all black .


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