This is he who kills

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Kensi and deeks had a case to work but kensi got emotional and went out . Deeks got captured and kensi heard shots fired to discover deeks captured and then she got captured aswell :( . Callan and Sam went to the scene as they never contacted OPS , to discover 2 police men shot and deeks and kensi are no where to be seen . Deeks and kensi are in a room but SHOCK kensi is only in underwear:o

Some swear words and also perhaps graffic and sexual parts ( 12+ or read at your own risk)

Rate and comment 🙊 i will update more frequently I'm just busy prelims have started and I have cadets and homework and a social life JK about the social life :p

Deeks POV

Kensi pulls herself into me as we hear a gunshot outside ,so I hand her a fleece I am wearing since she's got her wonderful body on display . "Kensi I want to let you know that you are the most" I was cut of by the muscly man fling a knife between me and kensi . "Not cool man" I said in a sarcastic tone " your girlfriend has a wonderful body do you mind if I take her somewhere alone " he said to me staring in my eyes . I felt rage and anger strike my body but also a lightbulb went off in my head "she's not my girlfriend but I can say she is not good at it ,if your thinking what I am thinking " I said in a harsh tone trying to make Myself sound like I'm not lying. Kensi whips her head to look at me and has a death glare "kensi I'm sorry but he's wanting to take you away ......... I can't lose you honestly " I say to her pretending he's not there
"Deeks I was drunk ,not trying and I was also tired! Remember what I said about death and losing someone" she looks at her body pulled upon me and looked me in the eyes.

"Aren't you too cute , did you's ever date? Bud I would never harm her sexually ! It's you that would get the punishment of doing it" he stared at both of us in a smirk.

2 mins passed of silence and the awkward eye contact between me and kensi

Kensi's POV

We got attached to an electric shock circuit .
"Man is this some kinky shit you like cause if it is your fucked up in the brain" I said to him , he stared at stared not moving a muscle.

BANG! "Ribarel what you doing you sick cunt " ribarel looked up at the door in shock and disappointment

"Smithy get to fuck" ribarel shouts.
Me and deeks look at each other in confusion .
Smithy left the room and ribarel carried on linking us up to this contraption that never looked safe.

"You sick sick man , unhook me ! Untie me ,you better open that door and let me leave!" I spat on him but I got stabbed in my thigh . "Ow" I shout out in pain them whimper and sob to myself only letting deeks know I was in pain.

Deeks was at the other side of the room now and i wanted him more than ever. "Just to hold me tight with those hands and kiss me gently " I kept on thinking

Deeks POV

Kensi was in pain and had a stab wound to her thigh , it missed any vital arteries so she was not in any critical way .
But time was running out this guy was just starting his cruel ritual it seemed .

All of a sudden it went quite and I could hear guns being shot . Callan and Sam were coming to get us thank god , the door flung open and riberal was shot ! The person who was standing there was.......

( Hint hint small and innocently a killer )

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I know I am still learning but I would love to read some comments !

Sorry if that chapter was a bit confusing my mind is everywhere with these prelims !

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