From a different perspective

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Do you like this ? If you do comment because I am only getting 2 comments and. Let's just say I can't be arsed writing for 2 comments sorry 🙊

Nell's POV
It was emotional! Just to much.
Kensi and deeks have been captured for coming up 2 days it's been hard working in ops , Eric's been not sleeping and getting all anxious and that's not including his weird taste in music to keep himself awake .


Me callan and Sam all suited up in our bullet proof vests and got the weapons along with the kit to pick locks but that wasn't needed. Due to sam just kicking it down.

Bullets firing towards us at all angles but we had shelter , I was with Callan and Sam was along with hetty .

Wait what when did Hetty join ?
That doesn't matter , she had a lipstick gun with her , she has to shoot in style that's one thing lol.

Hetty's POV
G and Nell where shooting across the hall and me and the big Sam were diagonal from them. "Three two one" Sam shouted at Charlie team (we're bravo).

Changing position to across the room , it was big but I managed to get across discreetly without the seven but now 2 guys noticing.


Callan's POV
"Three two one " Hetty signalled
"On my move" i signalled back to her and Sam
The two guys were down and now we managed to move quickly gaining back lost time , we searched each room only finding a computer and also a clicker but it had been demolished.

Sam signalled "in here" so we all gathered outside of the door.

We ordered up Hetty G Nell and then Sam ,we crept up and Nell and Sam hanged back to the side .

----- 2 mins later ----

SLAM! Hetty crashed open the door .

She shot one guy and that's all who was there so we all entered to find a beaten up deeks and a basically naked kensi wearing Deeks fleece .

Kensi's POV

Callan Sam Nell and HETTY , wait Hetty when did she ever join them ? Guess she wanted us back badly haha .

I pulled myself up so I hugged my legs to try and cover the fact I was only wearing underwear and a fleece .

Nell came over and signalled the guys to turn around ( I'm glad it was weird them seeing me in underwear) ever deeks winked at me and turned .
"Sorry kens but this is a bomb it will detonate soon"
"Sam come here and help" I shouted
"Are you sure kens , what's the problem ?" He asked me sounding curious
"Sam I'm attached to a bomb deactivate it now "I shouted not caring what I was wearing

Kensi was attached to this weird electric contraption but it was activated as a bomb so it's confusing to look at for people who don't know about bombs.
My little sis kens is in underwear hugging herself to cover herself up a bit but she has wires attached in all places (places I don't want to go to)
So Hetty done deactivated the bits that where to personal for any guy to go to .

Kensi's POV

Callan took off his shirt and gave me it after I was deactivated. I'm glad he gave me it because he was taller so it meant it just covered my bum I phewed and smiled .

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Do u think I should do a teenfiction ? I have read so many and there amazing :)

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