Chapter 2 The more I know you

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Its been several days and there is still no Loki. Our efforts are at there but with no results the team is starting to fall apart. Sarah is watching Bruce work on something to helo get a signal for the Tesseract. "If we put this here..then" Sarah can see the frustrated look on Bruces face. "Hey its alright. We'll find him." Bruce sighs and looks up at her. " How can you be so sure? Hundreds of people could be saved if I could just track him." Sarahs eyes held little emotion. It was a talent she had learned to use for most of her life. The less helpless and upset she felt, the better. This was a sure way her emotions wouldnt get in the way of her work. "I dont know. But I have an idea that we will find him." Buce gave her an odd look. "You have an idea? Dont you mean you belive we will find him?" Sarah smirked slightly and looked off into the distance, letting her mind find the words to make Bruce understand what she ment. "So has green giant got any leads yet?" Tony walked in with a clear look of cockyness placed on his face. "Tony thats not at all acceptable." Sarah said glaring at him. Tony shrugged. "Dont you have a sence of humor?" Sarah rolled her eyes. "Oh right," Tony began. " I forgot goverment agents are supposed to be robots. I bet thats got you alot of friends. Hows the president?" Sarah didnt see how anything he just said was relivant or made sence. Still she knew he expected an answer. "I try to stay away from politics." She looked at Bruce. "And religion." Tony chuckled slightly. " Someone who stays away from Politics, but works for the goverment, isnt that a huge contridiction?" Sarah tilted her head. "Almost as much as an intelligent whore." Tony placed his hand on his chest. "Why miss sweet, that hurt." Sarah closed her eyes and shook her head, whil smirking slightly.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "So you dont belive in anything, no god or what not?" Bruce was suprised slightly at the idea. Most people in the goverment where to his knowlage, people who had some type of faith. "People die for it, people kill for it. The whole of existence is in jeopardy right now, because of Loki's belief structure, regarding this plenary indulgence bullshit. Loki, whether he knows it or not, are exploiting belief. If he is successful, you and me, all of this, ends in a heartbeat. All over a belief. A belief that he should rule the world." Burce and Tony looked at each other and Sarah sighed. "I LIKE humanity, but it bothers ME to see the shit that gets carried out in Gods name: wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. I think humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it.Bruce spoke up to try and understand." So your saying, having beliefs isn't good?"Sarah shook her head. " No, its just, I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea, changing a belief is trickier. Life should be malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant." Tony nods understanding her perspective. "Thats an interesting point. I myself am not a real 'god guy' so I see where your going with that. Bruce didnt add much mre to the conversation. He simply continued to work on his device.

Sarah left the room to find Fury, Steve and Thor looking at a digital map. "Where are you brother?" Thor asked himself out loud. Suddently an Alarm went off. "Loki! Hes in Germany!" Fury yells everyone got to there gear to a large helocopter type of transpertation. "Sarah!" Sarah turned to Fury. "I need you to go with them. You know why." Sarah gave a sharp nod. She did know why, but no one else did. Quickly she got changed.

Hawkeye was the first to see Sarah as she got on bored. "Woah? What is this?" Soon everyone looked at her with suprise in there eyes. Steve stepped up to her. "Sarah are you sure you want to do this? Its risky" Sarah smirked if only they knew. As Sarah looked into their minds she could hear all the worry and confustion.

Why is she doing this?

Isnt she just a tech girl?

What can she do?

What is she gets hurt?

All questions she couldnt answer. She looked at Steve with calm features. "Dont worry, I know what I am doing." Steve nodded and sat down with everyone else. They took off in full speed to Germany.

When arriving it didnt take long for them to find Loki standing slightly above a large crowd of bowed people. "Yes! Bow to your new king!" His arms raised as if to praise himself and bask everyone in his glory. Loki's black and green clothes moved stiffly in the breeze.

 "No!Kneel before me. I said... KNEEL! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." Loki smirked. A german man stood up. "Not to men like you." His voice was fragile but firm. Loki laughed. "There are no men like me." The man shook his head. "There will always be men like you." Loki gave a slightly amused look. "People look to your elder, let him be an example." In that moment Loki's staff lit a blue glow as he aimed it at the Old german. Befor her could hit the man Steve jumped infront of him, blocking the blow with his sheild. Loki glared as Steve stood up. "You know the last time I was in germany, there was a man who als stood before all numbers of people and declared he was the new ruler." Loki smirked. "Captin, the man out of time." Steve gave a seriouse look. "No, the only one out of time here is you." Natasha flew down slightly and aimed for Loki. "Drop your weapon." Loki shot at them and Steve began to fight him. Loki soon had Steve on the ground, but Tony swept in and forced Loki to surrender."Mr. Stark." Steve said relived. Tony nodded. "Captin'." Sarah looked through the front window of the hover craft. "Hn." She looked at Natasha with a small smirk. "Looked like we wernt really needed for this one."

Back at the base Loki was placed in a clear cell, that if he made the wrong move, the floor would open and he would drop to his death. Meanwhile eyerone was diccusing what do do next.

Sarah was gone for only a short time to get dressed, when she came back though she walked into a room of angery men. Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you?" Steve said matter-of-fact like. Tont smirked. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." Steve glared at him and moved closer. "I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you." Tony raised an eyebrow. "I think I would just cut the wire." Steve shook his head. "Always a way out... You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero." Tony gave him a what? Look.  "A hero? Like you?... You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything that you are came out of a bottle!" Steve had had enough. "Put on the suit. Let's have it out." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Enough you two. This is unacceptable. Your fighting like children. Steve turned to Tony. "Shes right. We have orders, we should follow them." Tony now rolled his eyes. "Following's not really my style" Steve sneared. "And you're all about style, aren't you?" Tony turned back to him. "Of the people in this room, which one is A - wearing a spangly outfit and B - not of use?" Sarah got between them. "That is enough!" Tony stormed off and steve looked at Sarah apologeticly. "Act your age, not your shoe size Steve." Fury came into the room. "Where is he?" Thor answered. "Loki in in captivity." Fury looked at eveyone. "Why is it that I feel he is the only one who actually wants to be here."

Sarah exited the room and made her way to where Loki was being held. "Well, well, well. Who might you be?" Sarah smirked. " Im Sarah, I dont think we have been properly introduced. He smiled. "I am Loki, of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose." Sarah nodded. "Hows that workin out for you?" Loki glared at her slightly. "It to bad your human. You look like you have talents that could come of use to me when I take over." Sarah pushed her eyebrows together and closed her eyes briefly. "Um..ew.. please let that be the end of your speech." Natasha walked in and looked at Sarah and Loki. What kind of conversation did I just walk in on? Sarah laughed at Natashas thoughts. Loki looked at her questionably. His mouth grew a smirk as he looked Sarah. A smirk that Sarah didnt like one bit. "Ill take over." Natasha said calmly. Sarah simply nodded and walk away.

She soon found herself a Tonys door. She knocked lightly before the door flew open. Tony looked down ost her with an eyebrow raised. "And to what do I owe this pleasure?" Sarah rolled her eyes at him. Something she found herself doing alot lately. "I simply came to check up on you. For someone who claimes to be a genius, your not very smart when it comes to other people are you?" Tony walked into his room and Sarah followed. Siting on his bed she crossed her legs and leaned back on her hands. Tony smirked. "I knew you wanted me." Sarah closed her eyes and shook her head softly. "No..I dont want you Tony, If I did I would already have you" She looked into his mind to see his imagination taking over. Wow Sarah though to herself. This was going to be a looooong day.

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