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“ See you tomorrow Mr Choi ! ” Namjoon said he ran out of an old library near a few blocks from his house

The day was about to turn into night and he forgot that he had to go home before night because he had to clean his living room and wash the dishes in the sink. He ran fast with his short legs and slowly stopped when he saw the sunset.

He likes to take in the sunset because sometimes it will calm him down and deal with all the stress he is facing. Living alone without a parent is really hard. His mother had to leave him to marry a millionaire and leave him alone in an orphanage, that's what people were saying.

But what can he say?  It was the best choice for his mother if she wanted to survive. Namjoon doesn't hate his mother because she just wants to live.

After sunset, he continued on his way home but stopped again when he saw a cute cat lying on the side of the road. He thought the cat was hungry so he took a can of cat food from his bag and opened it and placed it in front of the cat. He smiled happily when he saw the cat as if it were enjoying the cat's food.

“ You're sure the boy is our step brother? ” The man in hair like cotton candy said as he looked at his personal assistant

“ I am sure because I heard the conversation between your father and Mr. Im before. ” His assistant said while handing him a thick file containing full information about Namjoon.

“ I'm sorry to ask about this but do you plan to meet with your stepbrother? ” Jimin just laughed as he threw his cigarette butts out the window

“ I'm sure the others would also wants to know about Namjoon's existence so I'll wait and of course I'll meet him. I want to see her and take care of him because that is the last thing my mother want me and others to do. ” Jimin said as he told his driver to drive away because he had other things he needed to do at the company.

“ I'm sorry i have to go now and i'm not sure i can feed you again later. Oh my! maybe you can lie down here again and I'll help you! ” Namjoon said as he gently stroked the cat's head and continued on his way home

When he got home, he said 'hello' to his small cactus tree and put his pastel bag on his baby blue little couch. He quickly ran to his pastel bedroom and threw himself onto his soft bed.

Namjoon took a long breath while shaking his itchy hand. He was too tired and now he has to figure out how to make more money to pay for the rent he needs to pay by the end of this month. Working at the library could have saved him some money but now he has insufficient savings and now his mind is shattered.

Namjoon realizes that living alone without parents is very difficult. He had to find a job to cover all the expenses and added that he was still in school. It was hard work and he felt like he had never rested quietly until the night after his shift at a grocery store not a few blocks from his home on sunday and the next day he returned as a student still struggling to make money.

“ If you were still there I would be fine. ” Namjoon said then unaware that he was crying as he gazed at the picture of him and his mother

He never knew his mother. He only knew that his mother left him at the door of an orphanage just because he wanted to marry a millionaire. That's what he heard from other people but he didn't hate his mother.  Namjoon never blames his mother because he knows that his mother just wants to live.  Maybe that was her only choice, leaving him in front of the cold orphanage door alone.

But the problem is he never knew that his mother passed away when he was five. He was running around the park at an orphanage while his mother struggled to fight her stomach cancer.

Namjoon screamed in tears and told people to look for his mother but no one helped.  He still has not given up trying to find his dead mother.

“ I miss you. I make money from morning to night and never give up. Teacher also dropped me out of extra classes because I didn't have the money for it. I forgot my birthday and I just want you to know that I love you. N-Namjoon never blames you so p-please go home. P-Please come back... ” Namjoon wiped his tears and finally fell asleep.

The night was very quiet and so was the atmosphere in Namjoon's house.  None of the lights were open except for his bedroom lamp. The living room is still cluttered and the fan in the living room is still buzzing.

Namjoon knows that tomorrow he'll wake up feeling tired.  Tomorrow he has to go to school and he'll be mocked too. He didn't have as many friends at school as he was different from everyone else. He likes to wear skirts and he doesn't like to go to the parties that the senior at his school organizes every year. He would rather spend his time in the computer room and have lunch with his best friend, Henry Lau.

Sometimes he wished he could exchange his life with Henry. So that he doesn't have to work hard to find work from morning to night just to keep up with his life.

Poor Namjoon but now, let's let him sleep well because he's tired and he forgot to eat lunch too. Today he has helped many people and he has also been humiliated at the restaurant for his slow service. Not coincidentally but he had a severe headache and he felt like he was dying.

Poor Namjoon.


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