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The next day, Namjoon woke up with a severe headache. Seojun was still asleep and he didn't want to wake the older up so he slowly got out of his bed out of his room into the living room. No one is in the living room except for the busy housekeeper cleaning the house.

He didn't know what he wanted to do. He should have known he couldn't eat chocolate until three boxes. His brothers may also be busy right now so no one wants to talk to him. The maid is not allowed to talk to him so he only has Seojun by his side. He looked over to the coffee table and saw Seokjin's credit card on it.

He reached for the credit card and suddenly an idea popped into his mind. It might not be a great idea, but he might be able to go to the mall and buy new clothes and maybe his favorite box of chocolates. So Namjoon slowly ran to his room and started cleaning himself without waking Seojun.

“ All of these shirts are from expensive brands but none of them fit my tastes! ” Namjoon whined quitely.

“ Where are you going, Namjoon-ssi? ” Seojun said as he rubbed his eyes and watched the younger trying to put on a skirt in front of the mirror.

“ I have to go to the mall and Seokjin hyung says you have to go with me! ” Namjoon said and pushed Seojun into his bathroom so he could get ready.

Finally, they arrived at the mall and Namjoon quickly ran in and headed to the store selling designer clothes. Inside the store, there are many dark colored clothes. It wasn't really for him but for his brothers and Seojun.

Namjoon looks at the part where they are selling the tie while Seojun quietly follows him from behind.

“ Do you think my brothers would like this tie? ” Namjoon said and Seojun just nodded without saying anything.

“ I'll buy this tie so you pick something for you. ” Namjoon said as he smiled towards the older.

Seojun walks to the part where they sell the belt and picks up just a cheap belt. He still doubts whether Namjoon is allowed to leave the mansion. He walked back toward Namjoon and smiled when he saw the younger trying to reach the earrings on the top shelf even though he was short.

“ You should've asked for my help. That's why your brother hired me, to take care of you. ” Seojun said and took the earrings and gave them to Namjoon.

“ T-Thank you.. ” Namjoon's heart was beating hard and he was suddenly embarrassed when Seojun looked at him with a smile on his face. The younger hugged Seojun and thanked him again.

They left the store selling the designer clothes and headed to the next store. At the next store, they sell colorful and pastel clothes. It's Namjoon's favorite store and he used to go to this store to buy comfortable skirts and shirts.

Namjoon bought a light blue shirt and a few black skirts that were easy to match with anything. He tells Seojun to bend over and ask him if he wants to wear the same earrings as he does.

“ Sure ” Namjoon smiles and quickly pays for all the clothes he chose earlier with Seokjin's card.

He pulls Seojun out of the store and quickly goes to the jewelry store. Namjoon once pierced his ears here so he knew the owner well. After finishing piercing Seojun's ears, they both had the same earrings.

“ Pretty. So pretty ” Namjoon said as the others ruffled his messy hair.

“ Let's go back, shall we?  ”

After arriving at the mansion, Seojun looked over to Namjoon who had fallen asleep in the passenger seat and smiled for a moment. He picked up Namjoon and entered the door code and was shocked to see Yoongi and Jungkook standing behind the door while looking straight into his eyes.

“ S-Sir ” Seojun said and he was slapped by Yoongi on his cheek.

Jungkook grabbed Namjoon who was still asleep from Seojun and brought him upstairs before Yoongi screamed at Seojun. Yoongi punched Seojun right in his stomach and slapped his face several times.

“ You should have made sure he was here when we weren't home. Your job is simple to look after him and keep him safe. It's not safe out there! You're lucky that nothing happened to him or I'll kill you with my own hands ” Yoongi said as he walked towards Taehyung and Hoseok who were reading some documents scattered on the table.

“ Are you going to scold Namjoon too? ” Jungkook who had just come down from Namjoon's room said.

“ Maybe ”

- sorry for the late update. i hope that you are all healthy and please don't go out if nothing is important. please vote and comment as i love reading all your comments. ♡

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