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The next morning, Namjoon woke up with a big smile on his face. He got out of his bed and ran to the living room. He saw all his brothers in the living room enjoying their hot tea. The younger ran towards them with a smile still on his face and jumped over Hoseok.

He said good morning to them but was a little disappointed when they didn't answer.  He talked to Hoseok about the nightmare he had last night and suddenly felt weird when he didn't see Seojun's face.

“ Where's Seojun oppa go? ” Namjoon said and everyone looked at him when he uttered the words.

Namjoon came down from Hoseok's thigh and headed for the kitchen. Seojun wasn't even in the kitchen so he ran to the backyard and was shocked when he saw Seojun's face. Namjoon hugged Seojun and touched Seojun's wound slowly because he was afraid he would hurt the older.

“ What happened to you? ” Namjoon's eyes started to water as he asked Seojun what had happened to him.

Namjoon blows a scar on Seojun's face and smiles when he sees Seojun smile.

“ Namjoon-ah, come here. ” Yoongi said looking at Seojun with angry feelings.

Namjoon hugged Seojun one more time before running towards his brother . He held Yoongi's hand and waved towards Seojun. He shouted 'please don't be sick' to Seojun before going in with Yoongi.

Yoongi lifted Namjoon and placed him on Jimin's thigh. Namjoon just smiles as he plays with Jimin's hand, which comes with a colorful stone ring.

“ Namjoon baby, focus your attention on what we want to say. Starting today, we'll set rules for you to be more obedient. ” Taehyung said

“ You need to listen to what we say. No snacks after dinner unless provided by anyone among us. Can't leave unless it's with us and that's not with Seojun either. If you do not follow this rule, we will punish you. ” Jimin said while playing with Namjoon's soft hair

“ Namjoon, you need to realize that Seojun is your personal assistant and his job is to make sure you are safe. He is not your friend and he is not allowed to talk to you. You need to follow the rules in this house if you want to stay here.  We have this house so you need to follow our rules. ” Yoongi said sternly.

Namjoon just nodded and looked to the floor. He wiped his tears with his sleeves and hugged Jimin's neck when he felt he couldn't hold back from crying. He doesn't want Seojun to get hurt, and he doesn't want to stay away from Seojun. Seojun is the only person next to him. His brother was always busy so they didn't spend much time with him.

“ You are rarely home and I feel very lonely.  I want you all to be here with me but you're all too busy and now you don't want me to talk to the only person who's always with me? ” Namjoon sobbed

“ Please, I'm just all of you here when I'm scared. When I'm tired and when I'm hungry. I just want to be with you all. That's it. My heart became too fragile and deprived of happiness. I think my heart was thirsty and the thirst was of love. ” Namjoon said and ran to his room and locked the door of his room

Seokjin only sighed while Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung try to persuade Namjoon to talk to them. They should know how Namjoon feels now rather than scold him.  They also can't help but feel jealous when the younger spends time alone with Seojun.

They are just too jealous of Namjoon's lack of attention. They were just trying to be the best brother to him but they were really uncomfortable when other feelings came up when they saw Namjoon's face.

It's like what people say when they feel like being in love. They know it's wrong but they can't hold it in.


- sorry for the late update. i love you and will always be. please vote and comment as i love reading all your comment. ♡

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