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I will be 20 in 3 days. I cannot wait! Nobody has told me what they are getting me for my birthday. But then again I haven't really made any hints or told anyone what I want. Even though its only 3 days, I still have to go to college tomorrow.

"Hey! (Y/N) sit with me!" A familiar voice shouted across the bus. It was my best friend Charlotte. I have known her for almost 7 years.

"How are you feeling? Only 2 more days and you will be the big 20! Awh look at my best friend growing up." She said quitely.

"I'm the same age as you, idiot!" I giggled.

"Oh yeah, of course you are! Wow I'm so stupid sometimes" she laughed.

The bus pulled up outside college just as the bell went, telling us that we better hurry our arse's up otherwise you will be late! I had chemistry first with my favourite tutor Mr Brown.

I arrived to his class and walked in walked over to my seat. I sit next to a boy called Jake, which at first I wasn't too happy about at first. But after we got to know each other, we ate now pretty close.

"You alright?" Jake whispered avoiding sir hearing him.

I pulled out my stool and placed my bag under my desk. "Yeah, I'm fine thank you. I'm a little bit excited though. How are you?" I said as I sat down.

"How come your excited?"

"Its my birthday tomorrow that's all. Anyway. You didn't answer my question! How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks"

Mr Brown saw that me and Jake were talking and asked Jake a question about the topic he was telling us. Obviously jake didn't know the answer as we were engrossed in conversation. Jake went bright red with embarrassment and explained that he didn't know the answer.

"Sorry," I giggled.

Jake laughed and looked at me and smirked.

That afternoon, I walked out of the gates on my way home. I heard a car horn sound coming from behind me. I span round to see my dad in the car pulling up beside me.

"Hop in princess! I decided that as your birthday is coming up, you shouldn't have to walk all the way on your own." I get in the car and had a little father and daughter conversation about the day we have had.

I called Charlotte when we got home and we were doing our studies. Neither of us understood it, But we tried to work it out. After about an hour of talking, I heard my brother shouting me to tell me that dinner was ready.

"I have to go now charl. My dinner is ready. I will see you tomorrow. Bye." I explained to my best friend.

"Okaii babes. Bye".

I woke up the next morning and had a shower ready for another day of college. I was excited that my birthday was tomorrow. I woke up to a bacon sandwich with ketchup. I love my dad so much.

I got to college and did more boring lectures. Charlotte was coming to my house as it was my birthday the following day and my parents had a big surprise. I got home and there were balloons and birthday banners everywhere.

"Dad" I sighed. "I'm 20 tomorrow!"

"I know, I know. But I want to make it special for my little baby girl" and gave me a hug.

"Dad... Please stop your embarrassing me!" I giggled.

"Sorry sweety. Anyway, for your big surprise. I am going to tell you tonight so you are ready as you will need all of your girly make up on and stuff. You will have to get really early though." Dad explained.

"Okaii dad, so what is it?"

"Me and your mum have brought you girls tickets... To see Ed sheeran!"

"Really?!" I screamed and looked at Charlotte.

Me and my best friend seeing the one and only king of the gingers! Ed freaking sheeran! Me and Charlotte ran upstairs screaming with excitement. We has to wake up at 5:30 to travel to London and stay In a hotel for two nights. The next morning we had a shower and we were ready to leave the house at 7:00 as we packed our things the night before.

We had a taxi waiting outside to take us to the train station as the train will be at 7:42. We had a long journey ahead but its one of the best birthdays ever!

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