Chapter 2

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"It killed again James what do we do?" Fathers friend asked him causing him to sigh. My Father was the chief of clan McIntosh our clan. To other werewolves we were the strongest pack alive and I was his second eldest son Will.

"We're the strongest pack of wolves alive we find her hiding spot and ambush her then put her head on a pike," Father snapped at him as his fist hit down on the wooden table braking it in half. "You can't under estimate her sir the Legend says she came from the Galloway pack and was their last Alpha's daughter,"

"Adam are you forgetting that it was our packs ancestors who killed her entire pack we are the strongest pack alive so to hell with the legend where she belongs as well," He snapped at his beta looking furious due to Adam questioning our packs strength. "Forgive me my lord I did not wish to question your strength," Adam sighed as he ran his hand through his matted shoulder length blonde hair.

"Good now send in Andrew I wish to speak with both my sons," Father snapped slamming his fist down on the wooden table still angered by the talk of the Black Luna or what some call her Hell's dog.

Either way she's bad news I don't understand why she doesn't leave this area what did we do to her? Also how does she not age with time she managed to stop maybe a witches spell or hex.

I was then brought out my thoughts when the rooms heavy oaken door was pushed open into the room "Father what is it you wish to speak about," My Brother asked he must have just came back from hunting as he wore a pair of light brown woolen trousers and a brown leather tunic and leather knee high boot and his sword strapped to his hilt and a quiver half full of arrows and a bow on his back.

You would never believe us to be brothers as we looked so different he looked just like our mother same blonde hair and brown eyes whilst I like my father had dark brown hair and green eyes.

In other ways we were similar both strong built, good fighters, stubborn but he was a slight bit taller than me having the 2 year advantage as I was only 25 whilst he was 27. Andrew would be the Alpha of our pack when my father dies or stands down I guess that's why he likes him more than me he always has.

"The black beast killed again," My father spat with disgust to my brother "I plan to have a hunt to kill 'er once and for all and I want you... both of you to stand with me," He asked as he picked up a hand drawn rolled up map of the glen we lived in with forests, mountains, hills, rivers all drawn on. he lay it open on the table pushing the ale in the metal goblet to the side as he lay the map out flat for us to see.

"I will stand and fight her," I told him as I nodded my head even though I knew it would be in vain a wild goose chase of sorts. "I will also Father but Gen is with child and is my main priority," Andrew told him causing my father to nod in agreement of my brothers words.

Genevieve or Gen as we call her was my brothers mate with fiery red hair which matched her feisty personality they both met each other 3 years ago at a meeting of the clans she was from clan Dunbar another clan of wolves though not as big of a pack they have great warriors enough to compete with our 100 wolves.

"Will go tell Marco to inform clan Dunbar and clan Fraser of our little wolf hunt see if they care to join us to kill the pest," Father said "I need to talk to your brother about other matters," he continued as I just nodded my head and walked out the room in the  of our stone built castle.

I walked down stone stairs before reaching the bottom into the great hall and opening another heavy oak door leading into the courtyard where I walked down the dirt path towards the stables on the south east near where the gate house sat at the front of the castle walls.

Once I reached the stables I found him sleeping in an empty stall with his cap covering his face. I used my foot to nudge the middle aged man in the side causing him to abruptly wake up "I'll kill ya you stupid vermin... Oh it's just you William what can I do for you today?"

"Father wants you to go invite clan Dunbar and clan Fraser to join us in trying killing the black Luna,"  I told him as he sighed looking at his down before getting up and rubbing down his white long sleeve tunic and black woolen trousers like most men did.

"It's a devils dead to try such a thing bit I'll tell 'em and fight along side you even if I die," He said shaking his ginger hair trying to lose the straw but didn't work to much "Well I better get going then," he chuckled jumping on to the back of his giant dappled grey horse which he left fully tacked up.

"Safe trips my friend," I called as he galloped out the wooden stable towards the iron gates. causing a few horses to snort before continuing to eat their met I have to admit I always loved it here in the stables rather than the castle where it was always loud and and noisy.

Here it was quiet and calm filled with the smell of sweet oats, barley and apples although there was a few unpleasant smells as well of course but having twenty or so horses what do you expect. I walked along the cobbled path in between the two rows of stalls till I reached one containing a large jet black mare with a white star on her face which is how she got her name.

"Hello girl how ya doing," I said as I ducked under the rope barrier of the pen as she give a small whinny "How'd you feel about a short ride it's far to dull at the castle," I spoke to her even if I couldn't understand her. as I grabbed the leather saddle and bridle from the side of the pen.

I quickly tacked her up and jumped on her back and walked her towards the gates. "Heading out William?" asked Angus the man who looked after the gates "Yes in the castle it is to boring," I replied to him as I pulled star to a halt.

"Just make sure your back by dark or your mother will have all our heads off," He said as he cranked around the big iron wheel to lift the iron gate. "Will do Angus," I said as I kicked Star on ready to gallop "And watch out for that mutt as well," He said running a hand through his black and grey hair. 

I nodded my head before taking off into a gallop down the hill towards the forest. 



This chapter was longer than the last like I promised it would be I hope  you liked it don't Forget to vote, comment and Follow

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