Chapter 3

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I galloped through the forest at full speed enjoying as the wind flew past my face I loved it out here to feel free. Nobody to tell me what to do just peace and quiet I could get my mind around things without someone watching over my shoulder.

It was relaxing out here everyone thinks being my fathers son must be easy which in some ways it is in others not so much. I can get anything I wish for on a silver platter literally but we are constantly training and practicing to fight and kill.

I'm not interested in killing people if they have done nothing to me I thought as I drew my horse back to a walk. we must have by now have reached the heart of the forest as the branches seemed to be getting narrower and narrower apart.

Though this did not bother me none I continued through the forest as the branches and leaves pushed past me. This... this is where I belonged not in some hut, house or castle I belonged in the great out doors the wild was my home.

Maybe it is just the fact I am a werewolf, that my wolf side feels I belong here not in some stone cage I thought as I realized I had to duck under a branch as it was right in front of me and I didn't feel like having my head decapitated from my body.

I then looked at the sky noticing it had began to turn pink with the sun set. Shepherds warning mother would say to me as a child it meant suddenly out of no where a pheasant flew up into the sky making a loud squawking call like sound.

I could just see the whites in star's eyes before she suddenly galloped off in panic. I held on for dear life as she pushed further and further on into the woods I could do nothing to stop the hell bent mare as I was forced to duck and avoid the branches coming at me at top speed.

She continued to run at full speed as I managed to pull myself out the saddle as the trees began to thin out. I let go of the mane I had a hold of as I dropped the reins earlier when she first suddenly ran I just managed to grab one side of the reins in my hands.

Suddenly she turned at full haste to the left causing me to lose my grip on the rein I had and I lost both of my stirrups not long after my balance went to causing me to fall off star. I landed with a thud as I hit the ground.

I felt liquid on the back of my head so I put my hand up to it to see what it was once I took my hand down to my eyes as I lay there on my side. My hand was covered in a red liquid... blood, my blood to be precise was the last thing before my vision began to blur as I began to taste blood in my mouth then everything faded to black.

I woke up confused of what just happen and where I was until it hit me Star had panicked and bolted and me fall and my head which as I put my hand to the side of my head I felt dry blood clotted in my dark hair. Moments like this I loved being a werewolf I probably would be dead if it hadn't been for my supernatural healing.

I looked up to the sky which was when I noticed how dark it was as I could see the sun setting just above the trees. I had to get home but I needed to find my horse even though I could shift and run back it is likely that her life would be claimed by the Black Luna.

I slowly got back up on my feet where I had to hold onto a tree to keep my balance. I must have been out conscious for a good few hours I thought to myself as I managed to now keep I balance. Using my amazing sense of smell I began following Star's scent.

One of the perks of being a werewolf I guess unless it's my mother's cook then it could be classed as a form of torture. I continued to trudge through the tree branches that scratched and rustled against me as I fought through a patch of thick branches. 

I then saw something shiny hanging on a bush a broken off stirrup iron. It had a pattern scratched into the side of it the one I did on star's I remembered this proved I was on the right tracks and I was just about to head further that way when I saw hoof marks is the soft soil.

It lead only deeper into the forest the sky was now almost black I felt a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach to turn around but never the less I pressed forward though the trees. then suddenly three deer ran flat out in front of me as though they were running from something. At this point I could tell something was off.

I then heard an ear piercing shriek like whinny of a horse coming from where the deer had run from. "Star," I screamed as I took off sprinting along the tracks the deer left behind but I still had to avoid the low hanging branches as my arms were being scratched by the side ones.

I finally stopped when I heard the sound of running water from a river or a waterfall I thought as I was in an open clearing lit up by the moon light I scanned the area until my eyes landed on a black shape hidden in the shadows.

I then heard a growl coming in its direction I then saw a pair of bright yellow eyes I could tell at this point that it was a werewolf then I saw blood around it's mouth and looked at the black shape below it then I saw a white line on it and had a severed neck.

Then it hit me "star," I whispered as I reached for my sword which I just noticed I left at the castle and I realized that this wasn't just any werewolf it was the Black Luna as much as I hated it I couldn't help Star nor could I avenge her. I quickly shifted into my brown wolf not caring of my woolen trousers or leather tunic and I ran away.

My fear pushed me on, my fear was in control I thought as I ran faster and faster through the trees my common sense had left me as I left my original track to get away from the feared beast.



Hi people I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to vote comment and follow I love to hear your opinions and I want to say I won't be able to post as often I am now back at school as it has past the winter holidays but I hope to try and update weekly if I can

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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