All the dazzling flashes stumbling upon her, blinding her eyesight. All of their questions are like shit throwing at her gasping no damn while their hands are armed with big cameras and microphones. One of them finally gets in her stomping through t...
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5th February MY PLACE
Rosie beige or the grey one? Is it really that hard to select one goddamn light? Well why wouldn't it be when both are just too beautiful and the admirer is the worshipper of great gluttony.
Gladly pathetic!
Snow has spent the past twenty minutes contemplating between two sophisticated hanging lights for her ravishingly decorated coffee table section in order to make it more tenderly antique. But it seems to be the hardest work to capture her deep silver feeling accurately.
"Okay I'm so doomed between this damn lights!" She plonks the iPad on the bar counter in full frustration.
"Don't you think you're disrespecting my hot chocolate?" Mateo, the Spanish bartender, also the head barista of MY PLACE, provoked her seeing his tangy worship has turned all cold before his own eyes.
"I'm still telling you, the beige would go perfectly." Manager Lim shoots a last try in order to convince the hardheaded, though he knows it's useless anyway.
"Then what's wrong with the grey?" There she goes again. Surely it's the habit of her notorious exaggeration. Mateo exhales another frustrated sigh and soon banished himself in the kitchen with the half drunk mug which is relevant for him not being disrespected anymore. Manager Lim suddenly turns all deadpan as if it's the best way to ignore her annoyance for a while or is it something else catches his eyes instead? But she still chooses blabbering and waits for the man across her to say something else that can help her to feel thorough enough.
"I can help." A very familiar sound seems to chortle out across her back. She immediately sways back.
First her eyes squints in deep then eventually pops up when they finally read the half covered face. "Jungkook!" She shrieks in surprise to see the unexpected visitor in his usual black attires, also assisted with a bucket hat on the head which covering his black orbs much adequately. "When did you come?"
"Just a while ago." Taking off the bucket hat the latter grins flashing his front porcelain teeth that dipped into his lower lip in a midget, of course succoring the scrunched up nose a bit.
"A while ago?" Another set of confusion hit her as she looks back. "Why didn't I notice then?" She finds manager Lim chuckling mutely covering his mouth. Well, let's say this old gentle man saw the younger creeping behind her when he kept acting absolutely cool with her.
"The mischief you played with me uncle Lim." She narrows her eyes. The old man chuckles meekly while sitting up from the stool.
"Please take a seat Jungkook." He urges Jungkook to be seated on his previous place after exchanging some graceful bows to each other.
"Guess you have a help now, I'll go get the residues done. And have a nice time Jungkook." Saying that Manager Lim excuses himself and leaves them at the bar section.