All the dazzling flashes stumbling upon her, blinding her eyesight. All of their questions are like shit throwing at her gasping no damn while their hands are armed with big cameras and microphones. One of them finally gets in her stomping through t...
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14th February
"Woah woah woah, you're telling us now? Like seriously?"
"I'm so disappointed."
Incredulity or bewilderment, these are the only backlashes Snow has been sponging for the last 15 minutes, patiently of course, from her two beloved crime partners who are currently sitting right across her on the sofa, gawking at her with disbelief after hearing out all the obscures she had been stashed in.
Snujin's raised eyebrow never leave the place nor Miyoon's constant shaking gear from total disbelief ever since the expressionless younger heeded out everything.
"Okay, even if I told you what would you do? Simply nothing. At worst, Minho unnie would've demanded punching him in the face, that's all. And besides, I didn't want to worry you all." Snow defends and looks away, perturbedly crossing her hands on the chest.
"Unfortunately, your daydreaming didn't do so well escaping our concern though." Snujin flashes a disapprove look in between her sips on the grape juice.
"Exactly. But before we hop on what that stupid did, don't think, even for once that you did a very good job hiding stuffs from us." Miyoon shoots a slight galre, adjuncting straight away.
Snow sighs and averts her gaze from the window, "okay, I agree that I shouldn't keep things to myself. But I was-" she pauses, quickly bolting down the sloppy sentiment before it breaks out and makes her look more frustrated towards them.
"Forget it. Anyway," she sighs but allegedly continues, "from now on I won't keep things to myself. Ever. This is my promise. Happy?" She looks at them with widen eyes, expecting the same spark in return. But defeatedly, their blank stares only to bring her head flop down to her chest. "Okay fine. Don't be happy. At least tell me what would I do now? He just jagged such a right over me as if I'm some kind of his married wife or something. Literally, what does he think he is?" She groans.
"You're going." Miyoon's face remains blank as she states.
"What?" The younger's face somewhat nonplussed at the blonde haired elder.
"You. Are. Going." And her impish twin repeats nonchalantly.
"Wait wait wait, this is not the way you were supposed to help me."
"Honestly, no. But apparently, yes. That's how we are supposed to help you out with everything." Snujin confirms and the elder nods along.
"Which side are you two on to be exact? Mine or his?" Snow's face scrunches up in exaggeration.
"None. We're on the right side which is good for the both of you." Snujin sneers.
"Wow! Telling me 'you're going' even after acknowledging the damn things he did to me, I don't really think it's a very right side whichever you're referring to." Snow grumbles through daze.